Saturday, July 25, 2015

One month away...

The boys are just one short month away from being TWO. Two, as in two years old. I mean, that is official toddler-hood, y'all. How are my teeny, tiny little triplet babies already getting so close to being big, bad two year olds? It's really insane.

I love this age. I'm scared of the "terrible twos" and three, which I've heard is actually more terrible than two. Right now they are in such a fun stage! In general, they're very happy and are just like little sponges - learning so much all the time. It's crazy to me when they just know something that I didn't "teach" them. For example, all of a sudden, William will point up to the moon in the sky and say, "moon". I never pointed it out to him. I guess he learned it from his books. That kind of stuff blows my mind! They understand a lot of what I'm saying and it's still so crazy to me when I tell them to do something like bring something to me and they actually do it. Wow. They all laugh a lot and love to snuggle, hug, and run into my arms. Their personalities are really coming out and I love it. They're just barely starting into the tantrum stage, so we're not seeing a ton of that behavior yet, but they're energetic and so much fun.

Here's a little update about each of my boys.

Stokes - this little guy is spunky. He's allllllll boy and wants to climb, run, push and pull. He's always on the move and is very agile and strong! He's all muscle and no fat. I'm working hard to get a little chub on him, but so far no such luck. Stokes loves to laugh and is incredibly ticklish. He is his own opposite at times.  By that I mean that is that he is wide open the majority of the time - no shame, no inhibitions, no fear - but get him into a room with a bunch of strangers, or heck, even just one stranger being around and he gets super shy! He will hug my leg and hide behind it. I takes him a little while to warm up. I think it's actually really sweet when he hugs my leg. Speaking of sweet, he can be very loving...when he's in the mood to be. He will kiss me right on the lips and give good hugs. My very favorite thing is when I pick him up and he puts his head right down on my shoulder. This doesn't happen very often - typically when he's tired, sick or upset - but it's wonderful and my heart melts each time.

Ryan - this little guy is a worker bee. He never seems to get tired or frustrated with the hours of weekly therapy he has. He's making some big improvements and it only takes a comment about his progress from someone that hasn't seen him in a while to remind me of that. Current things he's working on include rolling, crawling and cause and effect. When I'm with him day in and day out, I don't have the perspective of all the changes he's making but when I think back a short time, I can definitely see it. Ryan truly has such a pure heart. He does not have one mean bone in his body. He's full of love and joy and his beautiful disposition radiates from him. He loves his family and is always willing to give out a smile or a laugh. And his laugh is one of my biggest joys! He can really crack up on occasion.   People always remark about how sweet he is and especially how handsome he is! His hair has definitely gotten blonder this spring and summer, which makes him stand out from his brown-haired brothers. And those blue eyes? SWOON. All my boys are so loved, of course, but Ryan especially has a very special place in my heart that is carved out just for him. God knows how to do that with Moms of special needs kids.

William - he's a talker. He will repeat a lot of what we say and ask him to say. He has a few favorite words, including Da-da (still!), up, bye bye, no, milk, pop (he learned that from 4th of July firecrackers), and hot dog. And actually, when he says "hot dog", he's singing it, a la the Mickey Mouse hot dog song. He loves it and just repeats "hot dog, hot dog, hot dog" all while dancing. I will take a video soon and post it. It's awesome. William is very tender and snuggly. He wants to be held and kissed a lot. He will hug and kiss just about anyone when asked. He has become kind of clingy lately and has started to cry when I leave the room and wants me to hold him all the time. I secretly kind of like it! William is my best sleeper and I can seriously count on one hand how many times he's woken up in the middle of the night. He knows no strangers and loves to work a crowd. He's always Mr. Popular. He will smile, wave and flirt with everyone he sees. We've heard a few times that he has a future in politics. We'll see about that, but it's great to know that he's charismatic and people are so drawn to him.

And....we're officially one month away.....*tear*

Outtakes from this morning's photo attempts. It seriously took at least 10 minutes to get one remotely decent picture!

1 comment:

  1. I seriously CANNOT believe it! Loved the updates and love these precious boys (and their momma and daddy)! xoxo
