Saturday, November 17, 2018

World Prematurity Day 2018

Today is World Prematurity Day, which is sponsored by the March of Dimes.

According to the world wide web, World Prematurity Day is observed on November 17th each year to raise awareness of preterm birth and the concerns of preterm babies and their families worldwide. Approximately 15 million babies are both preterm each year, accounting for about one in 10 of all babies born worldwide.

That's staggering, right? Just let that sink in.

Since we've had the boys and been more aware of preterm births, I've known quite a few people that had preemies. I always try to do my best to be a source of support or companionship to those whom it affects, because I've been there and walked in those shoes. It's a hard and scary place to be. The most heartbreaking thing is that not everyone ends up with miracles and healthy kids that they can bring home from the NICU.

We have our challenges with Ryan's diagnoses and delays, however, we have three healthy boys. Just thinking of the alternative brings me to tears instantly. We feel so very blessed and grateful.

Check out these comparison pics. Fall 2013 vs fall 2018. These 27 weekers sure have grown! I'm so proud of them and all their accomplishments. These boys are true miracles.

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