Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Triple date

Last night we had a parents meeting at Ryan's other school and brought all the boys as the school had child care available during the meeting. Ryan's school is conveniently located very close to where our friends Heather, Walker and Caroline live. We asked if they might want to have pizza with us after the meeting and so the boys had their first triple date with sweet little Caroline. I say "little" but at less than 2 years old, she is almost as tall and probably weights about the same as the boys do now. It cracks me up! 

Anyway, we went to a local pizza place and had delicious pizza and wonderful company. It's funny but as an adult, I can't actually complete a full thought or have any pretense of a real conversation, due to interruptions or distractions with the kids at the table, but nonetheless, we did have a few almost-complete conversations and I love seeing and being with some of our best friends. The boys and Caroline immediately connected and were playing and laughing with each other. They totally feed off of each other and it's really cute!

Heather snapped a few pictures of all the kids after dinner before we got in our cars to go home. How cute are all of these little ones? 

Here they were saying, "YAY!"

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