Saturday, December 7, 2013

We made it

We got through "week-o-appointments", but I'm not going to wasn't always pretty, folks. In fact, at times it was a downright struggle! Wednesday was especially rough trying to get to the pulmonologist across town (with work & school traffic) by 9 am and to have an eye appointment for Ryan later that afternoon. What a doozy. It's hard to describe why & how it's such an ordeal to get the babies out of the house and to, say, an appointment but trust me when I tell you it is! 

The appointment with the pulmonologist went fairly well considering 9 am is a feeding time so my Aunt Trish and I were trying to feed 3 hungry, crying babies in the room while nurses were coming in and out and checking things. The babies did really well with their synagis shot and although they cried, they settled right back down and did not seem extra fussy for the remainder of the day or the next day. Thank goodness! We did get updated weights and lengths on the boys!
Stokes: 8 lb, 2 oz; 19.5"
Ryan: 7 lb, 13 oz; 20"
William: 7 lb, 14 oz; 20"
We feel like they are doing great with putting on weight and getting bigger each day!
*disclaimer: they did all have dirty diapers when they were weighed, so actual weigh may be slightly less :) I realized once we were there that I only had 2 clean diapers in my diaper bag. Great. Not sure how that happened, considering I want to have at least 6 diapers on hand anytime we go anywhere, but whatever!

Ryan's eye appointment did not provide the news I wanted to hear...he still has 1 immature eye at risk for retina detachment due to ROP. We have to go back again in 2 weeks. I did, however, hear something new I hadn't heard before. They will really only continue these follow up appointments until he hits 50 weeks gestational age. At 50 weeks the risk of detachment is negligible so they stop checking. So as long as his eyes don't get worse in the next 8 weeks or so, we should be in the clear! I am still hoping his eye will actually mature in the meantime.

On Thursday afternoon we had the BabyNet appointment and it was really just an introduction to the program, a chance for me to ask questions about it and sign some paperwork. Next steps are that we will get assigned a special instructor (or instructors) that will evaluate the boys to help determine what types of follow up help they need, if any. This would include physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy to name a few. The great thing about all of this is that there is no charge to me (woooo hoooo!) and everyone will come to the house (another wooo hooo!)...see comment above about what an ordeal it is to leave the house with all the babies. BabyNet will help with the boys' needs until they are 3 years old. I am really appreciative for this service! Although I hope none of the babies needs any type of therapy or developmental help, I realize the chances of that are pretty low due to their gestational age and size at birth. Only time will tell and I am glad to have the support if this program if/when they do need some therapy or help.  

Friday was less hectic since we didn't have any appointments and my dear friend Beth Atkison came over to hang out and help with the boys all day since she didn't have to work. My Aunt Trish left on Thursday afternoon so I was glad to have the help and I really enjoy the adult interaction! Plus it helps that Beth is hilarious and keeps me laughing all day (and she's great with the boys, too!). Beth is going to come help on several Fridays this month so I will be looking forward to those days!

Side Aunt Trish was incredibly helpful and sweet while she was here earlier this week. She must have been exhausted when she left because she really was working hard all week! The little guys loved her and she was so gentle and caring towards them. Thank you for all your help, Aunt Trish!

Remember how I said that we got professional pictures made the other week? Well our FABULOUS photographer, Jana Candler, got the pictures back to us and they are amazing! Our boys are so beautiful and the we are so pleased with how the pictures turned out! You can check out a sample of the pictures on Jana's blog:
Greenville peeps: we highly recommend Jana for weddings (she was our wedding photographer), baby pictures (go to her blog - linked above - and you'll see why), and any other possible occasion (engagement, graduation, anniversary, family portrait, etc)! Not only is Jana incredibly talented, she has a heart of gold and as soon as you meet her you will want to be her friend! After our wedding, several people in our wedding party hired Jana for their weddings because they fell in love with her! If you meet her, you will, too! ;)

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