Saturday, December 7, 2013

An important lesson in swaddling

Swaddling. It is a MUST. Swaddling the Peery triplets at night CANNOT be skipped. Let me tell you how we discovered this rule...

Yesterday was surprisingly warm here. We were changing the thermostat upstairs where the nursery is fairly often since the boys came home from the NICU to make sure we found the perfect temperature for the babies...not too hot but mostly not too cold! I have a husband that likes to keep the house a little chilly for "normal" people, like me! And by normal, I mean a woman who is always cold. Haha! Anyway I finally got Thomas on board with a set temp on the thermostat and decided that we shouldn't change it until winter was over. I think I heard that switching the thermostat too much will make your bill higher, soooo...we were set. Then the outside temp went up and our house got hot! Last night we were putting the babies to bed and they were wearing these soft, warm Kissy Kissy sleepers (thanks, Sheilah Baker!) and I thought we should skip the swaddlers so the babies wouldn't get too hot. We put them in their crib and Thomas & I went to bed. Shortly after falling asleep we hear babies crying. We spent the next several hours putting pacifiers in mouths, rocking babies, trying to sleep through the sounds of crying coming through the monitor, etc. It was a very sleepless night...for all of us. The babies seemed hungry and at one point I walked in and Ryan was sucking on William's shoulder (very comical!). I was getting concerned that we would have to go back to 3 hour feeds at night. Did I mention that we went to 4 hours at night a few weeks ago?!?! The babies did great & were sleeping right through so we would still have to wake them up for feeds. It eliminated 1 feeding and made it a lot easier on us at night and gave us a little more sleep. I did not want to go back to 3 hour feeds at night! I was also worrying that we didn't give them enough milk and all sorts of other concerns. It was a lack of sleep induced thought process, ie all over the board and not always making sense. At the 5 am feed, Thomas mentioned that maybe we should put the babies in the swaddles and see if they sleep better. DUH!!!! Maybe I should have thought about what was different last night vs previous nights. But that just made too much sense for this sleep deprived mama. The obvious and genius thought came to Thomas though, thank goodness! We wrapped those babies up in their swaddlers and they slept peacefully and quietly until we got them up at 9. Ahhhhh. Sleep....we missed you, even if we only see you for a few short hours at a time. Trust me, 2 hours is better than 0 hours! 

Lesson learned on the swaddle! We shall not go swaddle-less again anytime soon! ;)

Sweet peanuts all swaddled and ready for bed tonight...

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