Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Lots of appointments!

This week is filled with lots of appointments. Ryan went to the neurologist yesterday and it was mainly an introduction appointment. The doctor took a look at him and checked reflexes and such and said everything looked normal. She also said that she thought the MRI may lean more towards immature brain vs lissencephaly. Whew!!! I sure hope she's right! In any case, she gave me some documentation about seizures and instructions for what to do if we see him seizing. What a scary thought, but I know it's better to be prepared in case that situation arises. We got another appointment scheduled next week for them to do an EEG on Ryan to look at his brain waves. I will be very interested to see what that shows. He will have another MRI around a year old to see what it looks like compared to his first MRI. Please keep the prayers going that Ryan's brain is perfectly healthy!

Tomorrow we are going to take all 3 to the pulminologist for a synagis injection. Synagis is basically a vaccine for RSV, sort of like the flu shot for adults. They get it once a month and it helps prevent them from getting RSV, and in case they do get RSV, the synagis should make it a more mild case. The babies qualify for it based in their gestational age and weight at birth. Thomas has meetings at work and can't make it to that appointment with me tomorrow morning. Luckily my Aunt Trish is here helping me this week and will be able to go to the appointment with me!
In addition to pulmonology, I also have to take Ryan back to the eye doctor tomorrow to check again for ROP (prematurity of the retina). Hopefully both of his eyes will be mature this time! If that the case, we will be done with these eye appointments until the babies are about a year old!

On Thursday we have an appointment with Baby Net, which is a government funded program to help children with developmental delays. I really don't know much about Baby Net yet, but I guess I will find out later this week. 

No appointments on Friday! Woo hoo!

Picture of brother snuggle time this morning...Stokes & Ryan on the boppy lounger

Aunt Trish holding William from yesterday

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