There's a house in Mauldin,
TNT Holiday Lights, that has an incredible light display every year! We've been for a visit a few times in previous years, but had not been since the boys were born. I had forgotten how awesome this place is! The homeowners take a lot of pride in their display and do a fantastic job! If you haven't been, you would not believe it. The Mays reached out to us about going this season and we were all available to go on Tuesday evening after work. Luckily the weather was super mild because I hate being cold.
We got to the neighborhood, found somewhere to park and trekked it over to the light display. This was the line.
The line waiting to get in. |
I was totally not expecting a line - remember it had been a while since I had to come! It was apparently dog night on Tuesday and there were tons of pups around. The boys did pretty well while we waited and the line moved fairly quickly.
Just waiting in line!
William, Steph, Stokes, Thomas, Ava Lane & Clark
(I was holding Ryan & taking the pic :) |
Getting close.... |
When we finally made it up to the front, we got to talk to one of the homeowners and he was so nice and friendly. I didn't realize it ahead of time, but they had a Santa there! We put the boys right in there with Santa and started taking pictures. Not one tear from these little brave dudes. William was enthralled and kept looking up at Santa!
After we felt like we got enough pictures, we moved on so the next family could see Santa. Right past Santa, they were handing out freshly popped popcorn and hot chocolate. AWESOME! I love both of those things! The boys really love popcorn too so we let them have some nibbles as we walked through the lights.
Mamas and boys |
Ava Lane with her Daddy - she loves
being carried in the Bjorn! |
Love them all! |
Such elaborate light displays! It's awesome. |
Ryan in front of the nativity scene |
Tried to get a pic of all 3.... |
 | not happening. Stokes wants more popcorn ha! |
Family pic: say cheese!!!! |
The Mays Family |
Checking out all the lights |
So glad Steph was willing to help
us with one of ours all through the tour. |
Stokes taking a few sips of hot chocolate.
This was right at the end and they play
the Christmas version of Canon in D
at this point. It was so peaceful and pretty! |
How pretty! |
We had a great time, all the kids loved it, we so enjoyed seeing our sweet friends, the Mays family, and the evening was a big win in our book. And as an added commercial for this holiday lights destination, it's totally free! They have plenty of buckets set up for donations. I have no idea what it costs them to do all these lights each year, but I know their bills must be through the roof. They do such a wonderful job and deserve lots of tips for being so jolly and for helping to provide so much holiday joy and cheer! Thanks, TNT Holiday Lights!!!
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