Sunday, November 17, 2013

World Prematurity Awareness Day

Today is World Prematurity Awareness Day, sponsored by the March of Dimes. I am so grateful to this organization whose mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. I never really knew much about the March of Dimes until I had my premature babies. It is incredible what this group does for babies and families of babies in the NICU.

Science and medicine had made huge strides in helping to save preemies. It is truly amazing to see the difference that 10 weeks in the NICU made for our sweet babies. To be honest, when the boys were first born, I wasn't sure if they were going to make it. Now they look like happy, healthy newborns who just happen to be 12 weeks old. Photo proof of the incredible changes we have witnessed...




Pics of all 3

I love Stokes' face in this