Sunday, October 6, 2013

Together again and it feels so good

Today was AWESOME! Thomas and I show up at the NICU and the boys' nurses tell us that we are going to do a photo shoot with all three babies. We were so excited!!!! The nurses got a bouncy seat set up, created a "background" with a sheet and got the blankets with the boys' names on them and set them in order (baby a, b, then c). I was so happy to see how they would react to each other. They were so funny! We drew quite a crowd of nurses and doctors that wanted to get a look at the boys. There were a lot of giggles, oohs and ahhs and Thomas and I were so proud! 

Stokes, who is usually our fussiest baby, was comfortable and happy and didn't make a peep. Ryan is typically very chill and today was no exception. He was calm and laid back, although we couldn't get him to keep his arms and hands down. William didn't love the photo shoot but he tolerated it pretty well. You can tell he looks kind of red because he was just a little grumpy. It was so great to see them all together! They seemed so natural together and unphased by each other. This is literally the first time they've been all together since they were born on August 25. BEHOLD!!! :)

Stokes on left (baby A), Ryan in middle (baby B), and William on left (baby C)

Stokes & Ryan with arms in same position

Family of 5!

William was telling Ryan a secret

Lots of feet!

Mom holding all 3 boys

Dad holding all 3 boys

We took lots of pictures, had a lot of laughs and enjoyed and cherished these moments. God is good! We are blessed :)


  1. Absolutely amazing! The first of many beautiful family photos to come! xoxo

  2. I love the family photos....all of you look so happy and blessed. So good to see how well all of you are doing!:)) Hugs to you all!

  3. What a day of celebration! Personality and style, love and grace!!
    Beverly CroweTipton
