Sunday, October 27, 2013

Another 5 Pounder

It's official...William has joined the 5 lb club with his brothers!

The babies are 9 weeks old today. I cannot even believe how fast time is going. 

We have had a busy week and are continuing to improve and grow and get stronger. Here are the updates for each little Peery.

He is on 3 bottles per day and is doing well with his feeds. His isolette has finally been turned down to 28 degrees so if he maintains his temp for the rest of the day, he can go to an open air crib at midnight tonight. This big boy no longer wears many preemie sized onesies. He has moved on to newborn sizes. He gets 50 cc's at each feeding and weighs 5 lb, 6.8 oz.

Ryan is our champion eater at this point and is very close to coming home! Our nurse wants us to bring in our car seat within the next few days so he can have his car seat test before going home. The test is just for the baby to sit in a car seat for 90 min without de-sating or bradying. It's one of the final things they do before discharge! Did I mention that this guy is no longer on any oxygen?!?! He is breathing room air on his own and is doing great. Ryan is getting 2 bottles out of every 3 feedings per day and will probably move to all bottles tomorrow if he does well for the rest of the day today. He has 30 min to finish his bottle but he almost always finishes in 15 min, if not faster!  He gets 50 cc's at each feeding and weighs 5 lb, 8 oz. His preemie diapers are getting a little snug and he will be wearing newborn size very soon! Same goes with onesies.

Pictures of dad feeding Ryan from Thursday night
More eating :)

Yeah for the little guy gaining weight and getting in the 5 lb club! He has been a little fussy the last few days, partially due to some immunizations the boys got recently. He was de-sating some last night and got put back on a very small amount of oxygen (probably also due to immunizations). He will probably be back on room air by tomorrow. I'll tell ya, those immunizations are a real doozy for these little guys. :( William weighs 5 lb, 0.8 oz (just barely but he made it)! He gets 44 cc's per feeding and 2 bottles per day.

Pictures in the soother seat! This helps his tummy feel better when he has reflux.

All 3 boys had follow up cranial ultrasounds on Friday and we got the results today. Stokes and William's ultrasounds were normal. Ryan's showed no changes from before, ie indicating minor bleeding and potential PVL. We still aren't clear on what that actually means for his future and development, and none of the nurses or doctors have a definitive answer for us either. Our nurse is going to check with a different doctor on Wed. and see what he wants to do. Ryan may need an MRI to get more info for the doctors to analyze. Keep it up with the prayers! Although his ultrasound shows no changes, he is making huge strides in his development and is doing even better than his brothers in almost everything and will most likely be able to come home first. We feel like that is a very good sign!

Thomas and I have a baby shower with our awesome co-workers on Tuesday and are really excited about it! It got postponed over the summer when I went on bed rest. I am looking forward to seeing everyone I haven't seen in so long!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie
    Love to see how all the boys are doing!
    Can't wait to find out when Ryan comes home
    VA said to tell William hello! :)
