Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Our "plans"

I think this picture says it all



I think these onesies are hilarious. One of our friends sent us a picture of triplets wearing shirts like these shortly after we announced we were having triplets. I thought it was just so funny and decided that we would get some of those shirts. Luckily, some family friends, Dave and Carolyn, got these onesies made for us. I could not have been more pleased. 

Of course, this is just a joke. We unconditionally LOVE each and every one of our babies. We definitely were NOT planning on having triplets, but God decided to bless us with three babies. Each and every day we realize more and more what a true blessing these sweet triplets are.

It is difficult to get a decent picture of 3 babies...and I usually don't succeed. This photo op was no exception. Here are some "outtake" pictures. Enjoy! :)

Here's another cute one but Ryan was covering up his shirt!

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