Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Birthday week

My birthday week has started! Tonight I am going out to dinner with some girlfriends to celebrate. Thomas will be at home with the boys and some sweet friends are going to come over to provide any extra help he may need. It shouldn't be too bad though because the boys will eat at 7:30, then they go to bed. They've been good about going to sleep easily so I hope they will be on their good behavior tonight! 

I am excited to get out of the house and catch up with the girls! It will be so nice to have some conversations about what's going in in their lives, and hear about things that aren't baby-centered. Ya know...just every now and then! ;)

Friday is the big day and Thomas has even taken the day off work. He's agreed that I can have a 24 hour baby free period, aka giving me a day off work. What that means is that I am not the person in charge of and responsible for the babies for those 24 hours. My only responsibility will be to pump and the rest of the time is mine to do what I wish...take naps, watch movies, eat when I want to, you get the picture! All that said, it doesn't mean that I can't see the babies, or snuggle them, or help feed them. It just means that I don't have to do any of those things and I am not "in charge" of making sure everything gets done. I will get to have my cake and eat it too...hanging out with the babies without having to feed them and change their diapers all day long! I am really looking forward to my "day off"! I hope that doesn't come across sounding cold or heartless, but sometimes you just need a break. Thomas is truly such a sweet, generous and caring Dad and husband. Friday will be a such a gift for me! I can't wait to attempt to sleep in! I say that but know I will probably be awake by 6:30 or 7 and won't be able to go back to sleep. Why does that always happen?!?! When you have to get up, you'd kill to sleep in and then when you have the opportunity to sleep in, you can't actually sleep! Oh well, maybe Friday will break that curse for me. I will update you about how the day goes.

Until then, here's a picture of the babies taken today:

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