Thursday, August 23, 2018

A New Place to Sleep

Lately, William has said that he's "scared" in his room (monsters in the closet and all) and will get out of bed and sneak down the hall, well past the time we put him to bed and tucked him in. On these nights, he will tiptoe out into the hallway and lay down in the hall over the family room, where Thomas and I are usually watching TV or talking. A lot of times we won't know he's there until we turn off/mute the TV and hear little footsteps running down the hall back to his room to try to avoid being caught, or when we are coming upstairs to bed and see a sleeping little guy on the floor in the hall around 10 or 10:30 PM. He seems to be turning in to a night owl and is rarely tired around 8 or 8:30 when we're trying to get everyone in bed. Here are a few pictures from when he fell asleep in the hall.

My view coming upstairs to go to bed

Is that comfortable?!?! LOL
*Edit: at the time when this is actually getting posted, he has been doing a lot better about staying in bed. There may have been some threats to get him to stay there, but it's working.... 

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