Friday, March 18, 2016

Head sensitivity

Ryan has been crying every time we wash and dry his hair and occasionally if we brush it or run our fingers through it. This has been happening since he went to the hospital back in December (get your refresher about that here and here).

At first, when we got home from the hospital, I thought it might be due to his scalp being sore or hurt in some way from his EEG leads. Thomas and I were extra gentle to try to not irritate anything that might be hurting him. Now, 2 and a half months later, there is no way that his head could still be sore. We are still being very gentle with him but he continues to cry - and it's a real cry, not a whimper or a whine.

After we get him out of the bath, we've always used the towel to dry his and his brothers's hair. We've never been terribly gentle with this, but we're not overly rough either. Since this head sensitivity issue has begun, trying to dry Ryan's hair has been just as bad. We are now barely touching it with the towel and he's not happy. Cue the tears again.

I mentioned it to Emily, Ryan's OT. She told me that we should try to sing to him while washing his hair. She said that might calm him down some or at least, he can start to realize that once the song is over, the hair washing is done, and essentially giving him some feedback that while he might not like the activity, it is finite and will end soon.

At first the singing wasn't working.

During our discussions, Emily and I have been trying to figure out if it has developed into some sort of sensory aversion or whether he possibly associates it with the traumatic experience that he had in the hospital. Either way, I wish we could find some sort of solution. It really breaks my heart to hear him cry like that, and unfortunately for Ryan, washing hair is not an optional activity.

Have you had an experience like this? Do you have any suggestions for things that may work to help soothe him or help us all get over this hair washing aversion?

 I decided to do this post about 2 weeks or so ago but by the time I got my act together to get my camera ready during bat htime to take some pictures of Ryan, he had sort of started calming down. Over the last 2 weeks or so, he has not been crying every time we wash his hair. He still doesn't like it, mind you, but the aversion seems like it may be tapering off. That's why the hair-washing pictures above don't do the full-out cry-fest justice. These were taken at a time that he was just grumpy about it.

p.s. I love to have my hair washed, brushed, played with, etc. How ironic that it's basically torture for Ryan? 


  1. Poor Ry Ry! I'm glad to hear it's getting better! xoxo

  2. Oh no!! That isn't a fun situation for anyone! I wish I had some advice for you. :( Hang in there...hoping it's a phase like most everything else with kiddos!
