We had planned to spend this weekend going to the mountains of NC and doing some apple picking (really just posing for pictures in beautiful backdrops and perhaps
buying some apples) at SkyTop, but the weather did not agree. It was a drizzly/rainy weekend and I wasn't on board with outdoor time. Instead, we ran errands with the boys.
Typically, either Thomas or I will run errands on our own while the other stays home with the boys. But since we didn't have a fun outing for this weekend, we took the boys on the MOST fun outing - errands, clearly. :)
First thing on Saturday morning, Thomas and William went to get haircuts. William definitely has his dad's hair. It's thick and it grows fast. He has to get twice as many haircuts as his brothers. William and Da-da got a little bonding time on their own while Stokes, Ryan and I played at the house.
Once William and Thomas got back, it was errand time. First we hit up Costco. We took 2 carts and had Ryan and William in one cart and Stokes in the other cart. Costco on Saturdays is fun because there's a lot of hubbub and entertainment to keep the boys interested, and there are lots of food samples! We tried quiche, roasted lamb, organic pancake syrup, apple cider, etc etc. Who needs a packed snack when you have delicious and free Costco samples! The boys liked it and thought it was fun.
Then we ran by Target. Thank you, Target, for having the most triplet friend buggies! We can put two in this extra part and one in the actual cart.
Getting buckled in |
Target time! |
We love Target and their carts :) |
We thought we might run by Bed, Bath & Beyond but weren't sure we would have time. I kid. ;) (For those of you that might not know that line, it's from
Old School).
We took a little detour on the way home to swing by a local produce stand to buy some veggies. At some point in the car, I turned out and check on the boys and lookie what I saw. This little bugger was worn out. Needless to say, I stayed in the car with the boys and Thomas ran in to get our produce. If we'd tried to take them out, we would have had a big grump on our hands.
Car time |
Running errands in HARD work |
We had to wake him up to come inside and eat lunch before it was nap time. Bless him.
That summed up our super awesome Saturday. I know you're blown away.
Sunday wasn't too different - nothing too exciting, but more errands. We went to church and spent the afternoon watching football. I usually doing my grocery shopping on Sunday afternoons after writing up our meal plan for the week. A lot of times I will go while the boys take their afternoon nap. Yesterday, I just wanted to relax. I wanted to lay on the couch and read/watch TV and possibly snooze a little. I seriously don't ever do that. I used to, and I miss it and I want to do it more. So during nap time, I did just that. It was awesome. Can I do it again? Like all day, every day?!?!?
Once the boys got up, we had a popcorn snack. These little guys love popcorn. They get it from their mama. All I had to do was put a bowl of popcorn in my lap and they swarm. They crawl on my legs, and into the chair. They get their precious popcorn kernels, chow down and want more. I really can't blame them!
Popcorn! |
Clamoring over each other to get more |
Yep, he loves it! |
After snack, I took Stokes to the grocery store with me. Was he a good little shopper? Umm, not really. He wanted to pull every canned good and box of pasta off the shelf. He took the chips I put in the cart and crunched them, then threw them into the big part of the cart, then changed his mind and brought them back up to the front with him....over and over. If we have one intact chip in that bag, I will be surprised. During check out time, he wanted to read all the magazines (when I say "read" I really mean take them out of their stands and elegantly toss them to the floor) and push every button on the credit card payment terminal 100 times. Oh and at some point, I looked at him in the cart and saw this....
Notice anything "different" about his pants? |
I think I should get the official "mom of the year" award for this one. Pee soaking his khakis. No diaper bag with me, no change of clothes available. Yep, pretty sure we had to just ignore that and try to hurry. Oops.
Was it the most calm and relaxing grocery shopping trip I've had recently? No. Did I enjoy trying to keep tiny little arms and hands away from all aisles the whole time? No. Was it embarrassing to have a pee-soaked toddler in my cart? Yes. Did I get to talk out loud in the grocery store and sing songs about what we were buying? Yes. Did I love having a handsome little face to look at while I shopped? Yes. Did we make it through without raising voices and losing sanity? Yes. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. Maybe with a freshly changed diaper next time.
One final note about the weekend is that I did an official closet switch out. This entails going through drawers and the closet and pulling out stuff that no longer fits or is out-of-season, in addition to going through bins of hand-me-downs to see what will fit! If you can believe it, I am still removing size 12 month clothing from my sons' drawers. These little peanuts can wear a range of sizes, I'm telling ya. Anyway, I got through the dreaded clothes switch out and it feels like a huge check on the old to-do list. At least it's done!
I know you were enraptured by our thrilling weekend. Hopefully I'll have more interesting things to post soon! Have a good week, everyone!
C got fussy in Target the other day and I sang "I'm a little tea pot" about fifty times, while shopping...I'm sure some other shoppers were thinking they'd rather just hear C cry ;) xo
ReplyDeleteThis made me laugh out loud! :)