Friday, July 11, 2014

A naptime surprise

Stokes is really putting a lot of effort toward checking off several more milestones! I walked into his room this yesterday to get him up from a nap, and this is what I found.

I knew it was coming, but I was so shocked and surprised to walk in and see him sitting up! Two of my aunts were here so I made sure to ask them if they moved him to verify if he had done it by himself and he had!?Thank goodness that Thomas lowered the crib a few weeks back. 

We then saw him sitting up again in the afternoon. None of us saw how he actually did it though. 

Not only has he figured out how to sit up on his own, he has also figured out how to hold his own bottle. I've been waiting for this since the day the boys came home! It's really helpful, especially in the morning, which incidentally, is the only time of day I can really count on him to hold it himself. For the first bottle of the day, I get him up from his crib, change his diaper, put him on a boppy, give him a bottle. Done. He's self sufficient with that feeding. Then I have 2 free hands to get his brothers, change their diapers and start feeding them, all while he's eating. The frustrating thing is that I know he can do it, but he refuses to hold his bottle himself for any other feeding. I guess he's just not as hungry then as he is first thing in the morning!

YES SIR!!!!!! :)

I can't believe all my babies are growing up, but Stokes is really blazing the trail! I wonder if he'll continue to hit the milestones first....

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