I seriously can't believe that we are only 1 month away from their FIRST BIRTHDAY! So, so much has happened in a year. I think back to last year and my emotional state (...whew...it wasn't pretty) and I could not have possibly predicted how incredible my three triplet babies would be and how much better they make my life.
Here is the 11 month update for each of my precious boys. They are 8 months adjusted.
He's an official crawler. He loves the Nap Nanny; not to lay in it, but to crawl all over it. He can't sit still. He has also discovered his furry brother and sister (the dogs) and will just laugh and laugh when they come up and smell and kiss him. He loves to get tickled and laughs really hard when I tickle his neck and sides. He has an almost hoarse sounding belly laugh. It cracks me up! He has his two lower teeth but now has 3 teeth up top that have just started to come through. He likes to feel his top teeth with his tongue so he'll rub his tongue over his teeth and stick it out and look like a little lizard! Stokes has gotten a lot better with eating his solids. He will open his mouth wide when he's ready for a bite. He loves carrots and peas. Surprisingly, he doesn't like fruit all that much, but he will eat it sometimes. He also eats Puffs, but I have to break them up into even smaller pieces so he doesn't gag on them. Stokes has the funniest facial expressions and uses his eyebrows a lot. He has the biggest eyes and a cute little button nose. He kind of reminds me of a cartoon character at times. He loves getting scared and will laugh each time we play peek-a-boo. When I get near him, he has started holding his arms out and almost inviting me to pick him up. It is the sweetest thing. I think he may be a Daddy's boy and likes to say, "Dada" quite a bit. He's doing great developmentally and his motor skills are close to being correct for his actual age. His early interventionist said that she isn't really teaching him anything because he figures it all out on his own. At this point she's really just monitoring him to make sure he continues doing what he's doing. His favorite toys are the Sophie giraffe and his stacker toy. Stokes is wearing a size 3 diaper and mostly 9 month clothes.
He moves so much, this is the best picture I could get! |
Ryan has been zoned out since getting put back on his ACTH steroid medication on July 3rd due to a recurrence of infantile spasms. Since he's been back on his medicine, he doesn't smile or laugh anymore, however, this happened last time he was on ACTH, so I know his smile and laugh will come back once he's done with his medicine. Right now with therapy we are working on getting him stronger with sitting and doing a lot of stretching. He can currently propped sit, but we need to get his core stronger and get him sitting more upright. His arms and trunk are stiff so his physical therapist has shown me stretches for his arms, legs and back. He does not enjoy it while he's stretching, but I know he has to feel better afterwards. Ryan's cheeks are all puffy right now, also due to the medicine, but his bright blue eyes are so beautiful. He has gorgeous, long eyelashes and gets compliments on them all the time! One of my friends asked if I curl them...why, yes, yes, I do! Haha! Ryan loves eating while he's on steroids. It doesn't matter if it's his bottle or solid food - he loves it all. He will finish a full bottle in about 5 minutes and will chow down on any and every type of food I put on a spoon in front of him. We have to supplement with Pedialyte every now and then when he's acting really, really hungry. I don't want to give him too much formula because he'll gain an unhealthy amount of weight. Ryan has finally just gotten a tooth on the bottom that has broken through. It's hard to see it because his cheeks are so puffy and he puts his tongue in the way (hoping for food, I think!), but it's there! He is such a tough little guy and really handles all of his medicines, injections, appointments and therapies very well. He's wearing a size 3 diaper and 9 and 12 month clothes.

William is overall the happiest baby I have ever seen. He literally is happy 99% of the time. He rarely fusses or cries. He is just so sweet. He is very much a mama's boy, which I absolutely love. His favorite thing to do is be snuggled and kissed. He loves eating and food and I can always count on him for eating consistency. William is the most vocal of the bunch and loves chatting away. He says "Mama" and "baba" a lot. He will just go on and on with his babbles. He also blows raspberries and sticks out his tongue out. It's so easy to make William laugh. He loves being talked to, picked up, tickled, just about anything. He sits up really well but isn't quite ready to crawl yet. When we put him in a crawling position, he just flaps his arms around. He still only has his 2 bottom teeth. His favorite toys are a crinkle book (you know the kind that makes a crinkle noise when you touch it) and a guitar that lights up and has little songs play when you press the buttons. William is wearing a size 3 or size 4 diaper and 12 month and 18 month clothes.

11 Month Picture Outtakes:
Stokes is tired, Ryan is SO HAPPY to be here and William is bored |
Don't fall off, Stokes! |
Where's Ryan? |
"Let's get outta here!" |
"Hmm..what's over there?" |
"I think I'll try to go find out." |
"I'm coming for you, Mom!" |
The second right before I caught him falling off the chair. Nice. |
"Are you lookin' at me?" |
Not excited to be here taking pictures |
"Do we really have to do this?" |
Ready for nap time |
"Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go" |
Mid-blink |
Wow!!! 11 months already!! Time is flying by!! You are such an incredible mom to those precious boys. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us! You are such an inspiration!