Friday, April 4, 2014

Keepin' it real

I don't necessarily think this needs to be said, but just wanted to let you know that while my babies are totally awesome and sweet and wonderful, our lives are not perfect. I don't always post about bad days, stressful situations, and when things just aren't going right. Nobody wants to read about someone complaining and whining.  I get that.  I usually post when I have good news, cute pictures, or a funny story to tell. I realize it probably comes across as a bit cheesy sometimes.  I have quite a different story to tell now that the boys are home, happy, and are getting good health updates versus when they were first born and hanging on to their lives in the NICU. My posts in turn have taken on a much more lighthearted approach than the medical rollercoaster I started out writing about. That doesn't mean that we're just having a great old time all day everyday.

It's a little bit of a pet peeve of mine when people post all this great stuff constantly and they try to make it appear that their life is 100% perfect all the time. I know that doesn't actually exist to have a perfect life, but you'd never know it by some social media outlets and blogs. I don't want to fall into that category about pretending like my life is perfect, so folks, I just wanna keep it real!

Here are a few examples of some "real" life moments.

My dogs, God love them, are acting out a bit and are in dire need of some attention. Ain't nobody got time for that. Sorry, doggies.  We now have to HIDE our trashcan from our dogs and keep it in the pantry with the door closed...and visitors never know where it is when they need to throw something away.  Here are a few pictures I snapped of General and his antics from a few months back.

Ryan spit up all over me the other day. It was everywhere. Thankfully this doesn't happen everyday but it's not all that rare. We both had to do a complete outfit change. I am not one to change a baby's outfit when a drop of milk or a little dab of carrot gets on it. I only change when it's SOAKED. ;) We were both soaked through. A few days ago I took the babies outside on a blanket in the middle of the day. I chatted with my neighbor, read them a book, and took some pictures. After about 30 minutes I decided it was time to go back in (this means 4+ trips back and forth from the yard to the house - 1 trip for each baby and 1+ trip for the blanket, Bumbos, books and whatever else is there).  Once we got in I noticed poor William's face looked pink. I was worried for the rest of the day that I ruined his skin already and let him get sunburned. By the way, in case you're worried, it's totally fine and I'm certain it's not sunburned...thank goodness! I think he was just warm from being outside. But you live and you learn. Note to self: find better shade or bring an umbrella next time.

The point of this post is just to say we are a regular family...with 7 month old triplets, as regular as that is...and I don't want to come off acting like everything is all roses all the time. We have our ups and downs. As anyone with kids can tell you, it's hard work but you love your children so much it's all worth it. Gotta's naptime and I hear crying...such is life!

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