Monday, May 4, 2015

Time to shave?

Not so fast, my friends!

This billboard cracks me up! I hope we don't end up with three beards anytime soon! The whole hormones in the food debate is a little over my head. We only buy organic milk for the boys and just feed them regular food because I don't want to pay $100 for an apple, but it is kind of strange how kids are developing earlier and earlier all the time...hmmm. Anywho....

We're not quite to the age of shaving just yet, although tempers are starting to resemble the beginning stage of terrible twos....(yikes), but we did have a little fun with Daddy's shaving cream!

Ashley came on Monday to work with Ryan on PT and she said something to the effect of, "You can put shaving cream on this little desk and let him play with it sometime if you want", to which I replied, "Want me to go get some?!?!" So I got the shaving cream and Ashley put some on his desk and let him play around. It's a great sensory activity and fun for him, not to mention that Daddy's shaving cream smells good! It got a little messy, but what's life with toddlers without messes?

Introducing him to the shaving cream

He was starting to move it around in his hands

Having fun!

Seriously...have you ever seen such a sweet face?

My handsome boy

Shaving cream everywhere!
Another good idea that Ashley gave me was to use yogurt. It has a similar consistency, but if he brings some to his mouth, he can eat it (instead of getting a towel to the face as he did when his mouth met shaving cream during this exercise!). It also would encourage him to bring his hands to his mouth while they're covered in yogurt and help him make progress with self feeding. Great idea!!! The only problem would be how to keep his brothers away from the yogurt.

Stokes + William around yogurt while Ryan's trying to do a sensory exercise = a BIG mess + 2 angry toddlers + Ryan getting knocked over + a frustrated Mama.

This would not be the perfect equation. We'll wait until I have a break from work and Layla can keep Stokes and William contained/entertained, or when Da-da is home or MaSha is over to help. :)

1 comment:

  1. Good night, that boy is gorgeous! Love our sweet Ryan. xo
