Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Roommate reunion

My college roomies, Andi and Steph (aka Dre and Nator - long stories there), came to visit last weekend. Andi has a daughter, Meridy, who was born just 3 days after the boys, who came along for the fun. Steph is pregnant and due in August. So it was the three of us and 5 kids (including the one in the oven)! This is quite a change from these days...

I love these girls and enjoyed my time with them just catching up. Our get togethers a few years back would have consisted of us getting ready, going out to dinner, then out to some bars and back home once the bars closed around 2 AM. We have a different agenda these days. Here's what our past weekend looked like...

Oh you know, just a little spending time in the living room with the kids...

Nator, Ryan, Andi and Meridy
Then enjoying some fresh air on the deck...

Andi and Meridy

Ryan and Nator

Meridy, Andi, me, Ryan and Nator

William and Andi

William, Andi and Meridy
 We fed the kiddos some dinner, and then it was bath time...

How cute is this with them all in the bath together?

Meridy wasn't too sure about taking a bath with boys,
so she was ready to get out after just a minute!
 Then it was kiddo's bed time....

Brushing teeth and reading stories

Snuggle time!

My boys and me!
 After we got all the kids down, we headed back outside. The weather was absolutely gorgeous!

Thomas setting us up for the evening

Adult dinner - steaks, mashed potatoes,
corn on the cob and brussel sprouts

After dinner we sat by the fire for a few hours talking.
I love girl time. These beautiful ladies have been in my life for so long and are such an integral part of the majority of my college memories. I loved spending time together with them last weekend, and hope we can continue to get together every so often. We'll give Nator a little while to get used to being a new mom and then try to plan something else. We used to call ourselves Roomies 4 Life, or R4L for short, and I don't want too much time to go by before we all hang out again.

Weekend bonus! Granddad and Peggy were driving through town on the way from Charleston to Knoxville and stopped by to see us. They are the most incredible great grandparents. We love them so!
Peggy and Ryan

It's true love :)

William and Granddad

Bonding time...

They both love hats!

Here are some great fellas!
I love weekends and this one was a great one! I hope you're getting to spend some time outside now that the weather is so nice and especially with people that you love.

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