Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Today's well check

Layla and I took the boys to the pediatrician today for their 18 month well check visit. Let me just say, they did GREAT! It's so much work to take them anywhere, but I am seriously always so proud of them when we're out of the house. They act so sweet and well-behaved. This was Layla's first trip with all of the boys outside the house, except for walks around the neighborhood, so it was a good experience that she got to see how we do it. I was glad to have an extra pair of hands - it makes it much easier for the loading/unloading/pushing the stroller through doorways/etc.

Stokes and William got 2 shots today and Ryan got one, per his neurologist's recommendation to spread them out and only do one at a time. Here's a surprise - William was the ONLY one that cried at all! Ryan's pretty tough but I could not believe that Stokes didn't cry, given his flair for the dramatic and the fact that he sometimes just likes to cry or make crying noises. Both Stokes and William enjoyed the dum dum lollipop they got during shot time.

My boys at the pediatrician's office

The stats for today's visit:

Stokes - 21.66 lbs (4.5%), 29.5" long (.98%)
Ryan - 21.25 lbs (3%), 31" long (13.77%)
William - 24.09 lbs (24.65%), 31.5" long (24.6%)

I asked the pediatrician a lot of questions, got answers, made notes about things we need to work on and practice and just some time to sit with the boys. This might sound weird, but it's nice to be stuck somewhere with them and just get to enjoy them. A time when I don't have to work, or start laundry, or feed them or clean the kitchen or pick up toys...you get the picture.

Speaking of pictures, here are a few I took today at the doctor and then after we got home.

Ryan: he put his hand up on the mirror all by himself!
This probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but anything
he initiates himself using motor skills is awesome!

He loves looking in the mirror, but really, who could blame him?!?!
Gorgeous boy ;) And I think he's proud of himself.

William having fun in front of the mirror
All 3 together

Playing with Mama's phone - hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!
 Post appointment (and yes, they were in good moods when we got home, despite just getting a shot):
Stokes - smart boy reading a book in the big chair

Stokes and Ryan playing together

William: cheesing for the camera

Ryan in the exersaucer

Stokes playing with (and IN!) an empty diaper box

William is so funny

Silly faces!


Laughing really hard and would close his eyes every time the flash went off.

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