Sunday, March 22, 2015

Jumping into spring with the Nanas

Who's glad that SPRING is here?!?!?! We are! We've been loving this great springtime weather and even better than awesome weather is having our most recent visitors - the Nanas!

Thomas went to the beach with some of his best friends for a long weekend and the Nanas came up to see the boys for the weekend. We hadn't seen them since Thanksgiving so the visit was overdue by about 3 months! We all wish we didn't live quite so far away and could see them more often, but we'll work on that.

The Nanas are so funny about the boys. They will literally fight over who gets to do what - bathing, feeding, changing diapers, holding, etc. They want to do it all and get as much time with each of the little guys as possible. They like to be the first people the boys see when they wake up in the morning and after naps and make sure they walk into the nursery first. They have funny little games they play with the boys and we all just had such a good time with them here. While the Nanas were here, we took walks, played on the deck, and just loved on the boys. 

The Nanas came bearing gifts. They wanted to get something for the boys for Easter. It was funny watching the boys open their presents! They are finally starting to the drift of tearing open the wrapping paper.

Pretty presents with Easter colors

So serious about the task at hand

Having fun with the wrapping paper

Cute t-shirts and khaki shorts
I loved this moment after lunch on Saturday when Aunt Wanda took Ryan and just held him against her. He laid his head on her chest and went right to sleep. It was so sweet. And by the way, when she took him upstairs to change his diaper and put him down for his nap, he didn't wake up at all! She has a way with him.

The Nanas have made friends in Greenville with some of my mom's friends so I try to make a point to get them all together whenever the Nanas come to visit. Saturday night we had Lisa, Terry, MaSha and GranO over to hang out and have dinner with us.

Terry brought a few super cute books for the boys
and was reading to them!

Nana, Stokes and MaSha

GranO and Ryan

Lisa and William

Lisa, Ryan and Terry

It was a gorgeous afternoon/evening so we got to spend
a little time outside
Foreshadowing - we had this baby gate up to keep the boys
from going downstairs and keep the dogs in the yard. Yep...

Stokes - mischievous little fella

William sat in his chair backwards
and was having a blast with it!
He was acting like it was a horse. This pic
looks like he's mad but he's actually
cracking up here!

Stokes and me

Ryan and Lisa
It was all fun and games and we were having a great time....UNTIL...Stokes pushed over the flimsy baby gate we had at the top of the stairs of the deck and fell down the wooden stairs...face first. Ouch! My poor baby! I freaked out and ran over to him and scooped him up as soon as possible. The fall looked pretty bad and I was very worried. He was definitely crying like it hurt. I immediately took him upstairs to clean him up and by the time we got upstairs, my tough little man already wasn't crying any longer. Lisa used to be an EMT and came up to check him out. Thankfully he checked out just fine! Whew! He has a nice war wound from his fall, however.

Lisa putting ice on Stokes's head

Poor little guy!

He got his milk and was fine. It actually doesn't look bad
at all. The fall looked horrendous so this
is a good outcome, considering!

Lisa and Mary Nell playing with William and Stokes

Aunt Wanda and Ryan

Wanda, Ryan, Stokes, me, Mary Nell and William

Nana #1 and Stokes (he's holding his medicine dropper that
I used to give him some well deserved Tylenol!)

Nana #2 and Ryan

William LOVES books and had a blast pointing to
animals and making their noises

Reading with Nana

Ryan - the sweetest thing!
After bedtime, the ladies and I had so much fun talking and just hanging out. I'm so thankful to have each of them in my life!

Wanda, Lisa, Terry, Mary Nell and Peggy

Wanda, me, Mary Nell and Peggy
On Sunday, the Nanas helped me get the boys ready for church before they hit the road back home. We tried (without much success) to get one more picture of them before we loaded the boys in the car! Stokes did not want to sit down and William kept messing with the blinds behind the couch. The was probably the best picture I could get!

This one just cracks me up!

They didn't do much better for Mama!

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