We bit the bullet and did it. We got them "big boy" haircuts. It was the first time scissors had ever come close to my sweet boys' hair. I think they look so much older now! My babies are growing up. I know it was time and that overgrown hair needed to be shaped up, but it's so bittersweet. A large part of me does not want them to grow up at all! Anyway, I made the appointments last week and on Saturday we went to Jelly Beans for their first official hair cut. Jelly Beans is a hair place specifically for kids and they do a great job catering to the little ones and making it fun for them. I wasn't sure if it was going to be a stressful experience but it was pretty good overall!
Jelly Beans - hair design studio of choice for the Peery triplets |
With Da-Da, pre-cut |
With Mama, pre-cut |
Stokes went first. It's safe to say that he was initially NOT a fan of the hair cut experience. He did not like getting his hair washed. He does not get that from me because I love it. Anyway, after the trauma of the wash, he still wasn't sure about the trim. Eventually he got over it and lightened up a bit. He's a bit dramatic. He didn't have a whole lot of hair to cut, but we couldn't leave him out when his brothers were getting theirs cut. He just got a little trim!
Not loving it. |
"Get me outta here!" |
"What is she doing to me?" |
"Maybe this isn't so bad." |
Starting to calm down |
Finally he realized he could settle down and play with the car
in which he was sitting. It made noises and the steering
wheel would turn. |
Happy boy with a new 'do! |
William went next. True to form, he was pretty much chill. His stylist gave him some shaker toys and he loved it. No tears for this big guy. He had a lot of hair to cut and I definitely cried just a little when the first few curls were chopped. His hair cut was a transformation.
"You want me to lay down and get water sprayed on my
head? Sure, OK!" |
"What's next?" |
"Give me some shaker toys and I'm all yours." |
My little guy is starting to look so big! |
He didn't get his hair cut in a car, but got to sit in one
for a second afterwards and thought it was pretty fun! |
Ryan went last and was just perfect, like usual! Like William, he had a decent amount of hair to be cut. I'm holding out hope that he'll keep some curls or wave in his hair. He did pretty well sitting up in the car by himself. After the first few minutes of him sitting on his own, Thomas and I took turns with a hand on him, just for a little extra stability. I bet next time we get his hair cut, we won't even have to do that.
I didn't capture it but he was smiling during the wash! |
"I will eat this towel!" |
Big boy sitting up |
And the hair cut begins... |
Mohawk! |
Happy little fella! |
He's such a doll! |
Before we left, we, of course, took the obligatory family picture. Love it! By the way, I should mention, the stylists were very complimentary of the boys and said that they all did great! You just never know how they're going to react, and with the exception of a few tears from Stokes at the very beginning, they spent the rest of the time happy and sweet. Don't mind me, I'm just a proud mama bragging about my guys!
It's a miracle! Everyone is looking at the camera! |
They each got a balloon at the end. Overall it was a very good experience!
But WAIT!!!! Our day was not over with just this one activity. Oh no! Thomas and I were living on the wild side and decided to....drumroll....take them out to lunch! We do not do this. Like, ever. We always eat at home or if we're on the road we get drive-thru and eat it in the car. We try to avoid any difficult situations....like loading and unloading from the minivan multiple times, not having enough high chairs at the restaurant, all the germs (yuck), and so on, so we just don't go out. I can count on one hand the number of times they've been in a restaurant. But like I said, we were living on the wild side and were ready for adventure and danger! Ok, I'm being a little dramatic, but....you know.
We took the boys to an iconic American restaurant. A place full of class, glitz and glamour. A place you automatically associate with gold. Gold(en) arches, that is. McDonald's!!!! It's the first of many visits there, I'm sure. The boys had their first happy meal! We did have to deal with some of the difficult situations - not enough high chairs (so we left Ryan in the stroller), all the germs (thank you, Wet Ones, for being in my diaper bag at the right time), and random comments. Quite a few people were looking at us and a few made a point to come talk to us. Here's how most of the conversations went:
Them: Oh! Double trouble?!?!?
Us: Nope, triple trouble! (big smiles on our faces)
Them: (Confused look until we point over at Ryan in the stroller, which is partially blocked by the table and a little hard to see) Oh, ok. I didn't see that one there (Ryan in the stroller). You've got your hands full!
Us: Yep! (Awkward smile)
Them: I knew this set of twins once......blah, blah, blah (pointless story about twins that does not pertain to us. At all.)
I'm making it sound like we got really annoyed, which we didn't. It's all good. Everyone was very nice and we got lots of comments that were along the lines of "they're so cute!".
Big boys in (wiped down) high chairs |
Ryan hanging out in the stroller |
"Where's my Happy Meal? I'm so hungry that I'll
eat my placemat." |
It's been, ahem, quite a few years
since I've seen a Happy Meal box! |
The TINIEST, and cutest, little box of French fries. Were
they always this small?!?!? |
Chicken nuggets, fries and apples |
Yummy! |
Stokes, as usual, was scarfing down on his food |
Da-da gave them some water to wash it down |
Ryan got a few bites, too! |
Da, da, dat, dat dahhhhhh...they're lovin' it!
Two rites of passage. One big day. BOOM.
Such a great family photo at Jelly Beans! Who would have thought?!?! Love the adorable haircuts!