Thursday, October 23, 2014

A breakthrough

A break through the gums, that is! All of my boys now have top teeth! One of Ryan's teeth on the top just broke through. It's very bittersweet because he had the cutest and sweetest gummy smile and that will be a distant memory soon. I've only seen 1 top tooth breakthrough for now, but I know the second one isn't far behind. I tried to snap a close-up picture and found it to be a little challenging. Here are my best takes.

Can you see it?!?!? It's on his right side.

Sweet little smile with a hint of a top tooth

Here's what Ryan thinks about his mom taking pictures
of his new tooth.

Another angle - I see another that will come in soon!

2 bottom teeth

Stokes has 8 teeth - 4 on top and 4 on bottom - and they've been in for a while now. They've grown quite a bit over the last few weeks. They start out as just a tiny little speck of white peeking through the gums and then in no time they are like real, full-blown teeth.

4 top teeth

4 bottom teeth

Smiley boy showing off those pearly whites!

William now has 6 teeth, with the 6th tooth just barely breaking through at this point. His teeth are bigger than Stokes', which fits since Stokes seems to be smaller all over! These teeth are going to be some chompers!

4 on top - it's hard to see the 4th one, but it's on the left side

2 on bottom

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