Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 15 in the NICU

Ryan got upgraded to high flow oxygen today, so now he only has a breathing tube instead of the CPAP. He looks great and was doing really well with the high flow all day! We hope that he can stay on high flow and just keep growing! He hasn't gained as much weight as his brothers and is just now slightly over his birth weight. He did have to get some blood today because his hematocrit levels were low so they gave him an IV and started his transfusion this afternoon. This also means he won't get his next feeding until midnight tonight. The nurse told me that the blood will make him feel better and will help to keep him on the high flow! Here are a few pictures of our handsome boy without his CPAP!

William is hanging in there but us also getting a blood transfusion this evening. They think the extra blood will help with his breathing. William is getting the largest feeding amounts of all three boys and is going to catch up with his brothers  soon size wise. Here is his picture from today. 

*side note about blood transfusions...they are a little scary and sound serious but today a nurse was telling me that she was impressed that this is their first one after being here for 2 weeks. Hearing that made me feel better! :) And in case the boys have to get more blood, their dad, Thomas, & their Aunt Ashley have made direct donor blood donations for the boys. They were both matches for Ryan and William. Unfortunately their donations weren't ready for today's transfusions but will be ready in case they need more later. We like to keep it in the family ha!

Stokes is still doing great and has really evened out with his breathing.  This is probable due in part to his transfusion the other day. His respiratory therapist said he may be able to get on high flow again soon! Fingers crossed! 
(This is a modeling pose he wanted you to see!)


  1. Love reading these updates and seeing the pictures of these beautiful boys! We are praying for y'all! Love - the Atwoods

  2. They are so prescious and love seeing these pics. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!! Nell

  3. Dearest Katie and Tom!

    I just want you both to know that your sons are studs! :) I can not wait to snuggle them. I think of ALL of you DAILY and General/Esso of course!

