Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bath time

Just for the record, the boys are 32 weeks (gestational age) or 5 weeks old today.

Thomas and I went to the NICU this afternoon and got to try something new! The NICU nurse, Mandy, surprised us by asking if we wanted to bathe Stokes and Ryan. We took her up on it! She wheeled over a cart and put two tubs of warm water on it along with towels, wash cloths and baby wash. She brought the boys to the cart from their isolettes and let us take over. I think Thomas and I were both a little nervous for our first bath with the boys! We thought it was awesome to put these little guys together for the first time since they were born. Thomas bathed Stokes and I bathed Ryan. Mandy took pictures for us. 

Getting ready for the bath...

After bath photo op...



Both of the boys seemed to like their baths and didn't cry. :) We laughed a lot and enjoyed getting to handle the babies. The more we hold them, the more comfortable we get. We were so cautious when they were first born, and we still are, but don't rely quite as heavily on the nurses for everything and are getting used to them. They are still so small and fragile and we have to be careful but we are getting better and better with them each day!

After bath time, I held Ryan and Thomas held Stokes. 

After bath pics...


Poor William didn't get to participate in bath time but we hung out with him this afternoon as well. I will ask his nurse if I can bathe him later this week! Here are some pics of William from today.

He was holding my sweet! :)

1 comment:

  1. They are looking so good!!! Continued prayers for them and for their parents! God bless you all!
