Thursday, January 9, 2014

Warding off RSV in the cold

Yesterday the boys had their monthly appointment with Pulmonology to get their Synagis shot. The Synagis shot provides antibodies that will help the babies ward off or fight RSV if they were to get it. Hopefully with the monthly Synagis injections we will be able to avoid RSV all together or if not, maybe it will not require a trip back to the hospital.

The injection the babies get is based on their weight and the needle and amount of Synagis seemed much bigger this month than it did in December. It's a great sign that they've gotten bigger since last time, but it made me a little nervous to see the bigger needle. Overall the little guys were champs and did pretty well. They definitely cried when they got the shot, but were able to be consoled within minutes and slept the whole drive home. The rest of the afternoon went pretty well, and they didn't fuss too much, which is good, but when Ryan had a big spit up right before bed we thought the day's action and the Synagis may have been partially to blame. I will take their temps sometime today to make sure they don't have a fever or a negative reaction to the injection. Last month they were able to get the shot with no issues and I imagine this month will be the same. So far today they are acting just fine.

While we were at the appointment, we got updated weights and measurements on the babies. YAY! I love this part and enjoy getting to see the growth the babies are experiencing. So without further ado...

Stokes - 10 lbs, 6.1 oz and 21 3/4 inches

Ryan - 9 lbs, 15.4 oz and 22 inches

William - 10 lbs, 6.8 oz and 22 1/2 inches

So as you can see, our littlest baby, William, is now our biggest baby! Way to go, William! He has become our best eater and often his bottles have more milk than Stokes and Ryan's bottles. He just seems hungry all the time! Ryan definitely seems smaller and lighter than his brothers, so I was relieved that he was in the same vicinity as the other two.

I should mention that we have having a major cold spell here! We set record lows two days ago (taking the record from 1892 or something - ha!) and it feels brutally cold out there. I am glad not to live in the Northeast right now! Anyway, I was concerned about the boys being cold going to and from the appointment and made a point to bundle them up. They wore a long sleeve onesie, a footed sleeper, a jacket, a hat and had a blanket over them in their car seats. I also pulled the car seat shade over their faces to avoid any wind. They slept right through the transportation to and from the car so I think we accomplished the goal to keep them from getting too cold. The hats that I put on Ryan and Stokes were the CUTEST things I've ever seen. I snapped a picture of Stokes in his hat that I could send to Thomas really quickly, but sadly didn't take a picture of William wearing his hat. Unfortunately, we only had 2 of the super cute hats and poor Ryan just got a regular hat. It's ok because he's adorable anyway and he didn't care which hat he wore!

Thomas's aunt Fifi is here this week and was able to help me with the appointment. It would be so difficult for me to maneuver all 3 babies in and out, not to mention getting them all undressed and dressed again during the appointment as well as consoling each of them after their shots. I was so glad to have an extra pair of hands there with me helping out. The nurses kept calling Fifi "grandma" and neither of us corrected them. I think Fifi liked being mistaken for the grandma of these sweet angels! Oh yeah, and the nurse practitioner came in and told Fifi that she didn't look like she had just had triplets. She thought Fifi was the Mom initially right when she walked in. What an awesome compliment for Fifi and a testimony to how young and good she looks! ;)

We experienced another milestone yesterday as well. I had William and Stokes on a play mat doing some tummy time (diaperless, so we could let their bottoms get some air and hopefully clear up a little diaper rash we've been fighting). William got a little fired up and was crying and moving all around. When William gets on tummy time, he isn't able to actually "crawl" yet, but that doesn't stop him from getting around! I am constantly repositioning him on the blanket, mat or towel because he can move...and quickly! Anyway, he was a bit mad and was pushing his legs up and flexing all his little muscles and managed to roll over from tummy to back. TWICE. Good job, little....or should I say BIG...buddy! I immediately texted Thomas to let him know the update. So right now we have two babies that can roll over from tummy to back. I'm a proud mama!

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