Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Holiday recap

Happy New Year! 2014 will be a big year and will see a lot of "firsts" for the boys. Our New Year's Eve was pretty uneventful, but we were awake at midnight! That was mainly because it was time to feed the babies - haha! We didn't "see" any fireworks because it was cold and I was tired and didn't want to go outside (wimpy, I know!), but we heard them and could see them in our minds. Thanks for the beautiful fireworks displays!

The boys on their activity mat last night

Today we're going to eat the traditional collared greens and black eyed peas. Don't they say those are for health and wealth? We could use both in this upcoming year so cheers to that!

The boys are enjoying the first day if 2014! Plus they look so preppy and adorable in these cute Polo sleepers they got for Christmas from some thoughtful friends of ours that I couldn't help but to get their picture. Thanks for the outfits, Pamela & Barry!

Overall the holidays were very happy for our family. Since the boys have come home from the hospital, we've had the good fortune to have lots of sweet and loving family members come stay with us and help with the triplets. It's amazing what a difference it makes to have another set of hands around to feed a baby during feeding time, do laundry, wash bottles, soothe a crying baby, help with household chores, cook dinner, etc! It was also so helpful for me to have someone around to go to doctors appointments with me if I had to take all 3 babies, or to stay home with some of the boys if I had an appointment for just one baby or needed to run some errands. I think I have included pictures of most of the people that have been here helping but here are a few more pictures that I haven't posted yet that include some important family members!

Aunt Fifi, Grandad and GranO

My cousin Meg from NYC

My Aunt Mary Nell (boys will call her Nana 1)*

My Aunt Wanda (boys will call her Nana 2)*
*Nanas are named courtesy of my adorable niece, Kaitlyn!
In addition to family visitors, lots of friends have come by to meet Stokes, Ryan and William throughout this holiday season. I want to thank you all for being so diligent about washing your hands when you get here, having your flu shot and canceling plans if you were feeling even slightly sick or had any sort of symptoms. We appreciate it so much! We feel your love and concern for the babies' well being. 

Unfortunately I did not take pictures of everyone that has come by, but here are a few! Sorry to our friends I have missed :( 

Matt holding Ryan 

Amy holding all 3

Jacqui hanging out with the babies and me in the nursery

Beth comes by on her days off work and helps me for the majority of the day - AWESOME!!! Love her!

My Mom's friends, Lisa and Terry

Terry holding 2 babies at a time! She's a pro
Wendy, Shea and Brenda came over to babysit one night so Thomas and I could go out!



Our dear close friend Carole
We have a few scheduled times in January for family to be here to help, but I will really be on my own most of the time. For doctors appointments that Thomas can't come to, I will call around to try to get someone to come and help me. I am not ready to try to take all 3 babies somewhere by myself unless I absolutely have to. If you have previously offered some help and assistance, don't be surprised if I call on you! And don't feel bad if you aren't able to do it. I have had lots of offers and should be able to get help when needed. 

We have really enjoyed the 2013 holiday season. It has been so different in so many ways than in previous years and we are trying to take it all in stride and to enjoy and appreciate all the small moments. Here's to a happy and healthy 2014!


  1. They are absolutely adorable!! You are doing such an amazing job!! I can't imagine 3(we have our hands full with 2), but they are such a blessing. Hope y'all have a wonderful 2014!!!

  2. You guys call me! Seriously I will be happy to babysit! 420-2679
