Monday, September 12, 2016

Big Boy Beds

Along with big boy underwear comes another big step for us. You guessed it (mainly by reading the title of this post)...they got big boy beds. Bye bye, cribs...for Stokes and William. Ryan's still in a crib, which suits him, and us, just fine.

Can we get serious a minute? Y'all probably know by now that I'm cheap, ummm frugal! I couldn't handle the thought of spending $2k on beds and bedding that would last us for a few years. Just. Can't. Do. It. I spent a while pondering about next steps once we were done with cribs. And when I say "a while", I pondered it for the better part of a year (see old post here). For some reason, I had it in my mind that we would switch when the boys turned 3, which happened about 2 weeks ago so we're already late. Whatever. So anyways, I had finally put the idea of bunk beds behind me, after talking to other moms of multiples. Thanks for talking some sense to me, Mamas! Can we just talk about the sheer torture that would be to change sheets on top bunk constantly during a case of the stomach bug? Eww. So I was set on twin beds. Thus began the process of deciding which beds, bed types, mattresses, exhaustive online searches, as well as bedding that wasn't going to break the bank. Anyway, we made out very inexpensively and this should last us a while. When it's time to move on, I won't worry or feel bad since we didn't spend a whole lot. Yay! BTW, head boards will be coming. I was thinking about possibly DIYing or maybe finding some plain, inexpensive wooden headboards. We'll see. I'm in no rush.

Still to come - new lamps, new drawer pulls, possibly some dust ruffles, new window treatment, new wall "art" - notice how art is in quotes. ;) All in due time.

Let's talk about the transition for a second. Weekends naps?!?! Goodbye. But seriously. Actually, we're not giving up that easily, but holy moly, get on my struggle bus. I don't understand the difference between cribs and beds in terms of a nap, considering Stokes could climb in and out of his crib very easily anyways, but it is apparently a huge difference with behavior. Here's an example of what their room looked like about 30 minutes after we'd put them down and could hear on the monitor how wild they were being....and clearly not we went up to regulate on them. Oy vey.

At night, they're doing ok. It probably helps that they're usually pretty tired and ready to go to bed, especially William. Stokes has a tendency to climb out of bed and mess around with stuff. I had to go in there about 45 minutes after putting them down last night and he was asking to look at the moon (by moving/trying to break the blinds). Umm, no sir. When I went in, William was zonked out in the exact same position that we left him in (sweet angel boy), while Stokes was upside down, on his belly with sheets and comforter all over the place. Yep. He's a handful, but a funny and entertaining handful.

I pray that weekend naps will get easier (because I NEED them...for my sanity, y'all) and that our slightly changed nighttime routine will become old hat and the boys will learn to just go to sleep. Is that too much to ask?!?!? HA! Wish us luck. 


  1. That picture is just too much!! I can't stop looking at the mess!! That Stokes!! Hang in there mama!

  2. I am blown away at the sight of their room with no cribs!
