Friday, January 8, 2016

Christmas clean up

The removal and putting away of Christmas decorations is not something I look forward to. It marks the end of the Christmas season and the house always looks so drab once all the decorations are gone. The Christmas stuff adds sparkle, pizzazz and twinkling white lights add to the whole ambiance throughout the month of December. I miss our Christmas tree when it's gone.

Our house was a disaster after having been away all weekend of Christmas, coming back and landing in the ER and PICU with Ryan on Sunday evening, returning home from the hospital on Wednesday the 30th, with Christmas presents everywhere (not put away or even taken out of packaging), barely unpacked clothes, laundry piled up, mail piled up, Christmas decorations still get the idea.

When Ryan and I got home from the hospital, we spent the afternoon just being. We hung out. We were home. It felt good, albeit a little nerve wracking for me to just make sure that he was OK all day. Then after we put the boys to bed that evening, Thomas and I got to work. I was exhausted, but wanted to get everything cleaned up and put away before the New Year. Isn't there a tradition or superstition that says it's bad luck to still have Christmas decorations up on New Year's Eve...or did I just make that up?!?!? Plus, we had the Clemson bowl game, the Orange Bowl against Oklahoma, coming up on New Year's Eve and I knew that win or lose, we would not be in the mood to be messing with cleaning and putting away decorations. We'd either be celebrating or commiserating. Anyway, we were on a mission. We got a lot done.

We finished the job on Thursday, and the boys got in on the action. Boys = Stokes, in this case. He loves the vacuum cleaner and actually is quite a help with cleaning. He is a bit type A and usually will help pick up toys and put them away. When he saw that we pulled out the vacuum to suck up all the pine needles from the tree, he insisted on helping. He cracks me up! He was so serious about his job. He's a great little helper.

I was sad to see the end of Christmas. I know though that next year will be even more magical and fun with the boys understanding more and more about the traditions and things that go on during the season. I'm already looking forward to it and all the other fun things we'll do throughout the year leading up to next Christmas. 

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