Tuesday, February 9, 2016



In case you're wondering why this post is titled "Bay", it's because that was Ryan's first half-word!

While I was in Buffalo for work a few weeks back, Thomas came home from work to attend Ryan's weekly Early Intervention appointment. Thomas and April (Ryan's EI) were showing Ryan cards with pictures of objects he's familiar with - ball, hat, baby, car, etc. and asking him to put the cards in a box. Ryan loved the picture of the baby. He was basically all about it. This is nothing new. He loves to stare at babies in real life and we used to keep empty diaper boxes around so that he could "play" with them because he was so attracted to the picture of the baby on the box!

So Thomas and April were showing him the pictures and Ryan paid extra attention to the card with the baby on it. He picked it up, grabbed it with two hands and was really studying it. Then they had him put the card into the box, per the exercise they were working on. At some point, Thomas took the baby card back out of the box and put it on another surface. According to Thomas, Ryan "went nuts"! He said, "Baaaaayyyyyyy". We've never heard him say a "B" sound before. Both Thomas and April were witnesses and as soon as Ryan said it, they looked at each other with wide eyes and smiles for confirmation. It must have been pretty exciting!

Ryan with the baby card

I can't believe I missed it! We've been trying to encourage Ryan to say "baby" a lot since that appointment, but haven't heard him repeat it yet. Stay tuned. I hope to have a lot more posts about words (or half words) that Ryan says!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Ryan!!! Auntie Heather is so proud of you, sweet boy! xoxo
