Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Adventures in Potty Training, part I

Can you tell what the picture below is? 

Undies Drawer
That's the inside of the big boy underwear drawer. I got these suckers washed and folded and put away. I guess that means it's time to start with the potty training process.

Here's where we are right now. Stokes's teacher at school made a comment a few weeks ago that she thought he might be ready for potty training and she said that we could start at school whenever we decide we're ready. He apparently was requesting to use the potty at school (he does too at home every now and then but not really consistently). It really made me start thinking. 

The last two weekends in a row, we've been "working" on potty training. Two Saturdays ago, Stokes was asking to wear underwear and even though Thomas had an errand to run that morning, and I was going to be on my own for a few hours (I always thought we would take it on as a team over a 3 day weekend, but sometimes you just gotta go for it), I was feeling adventurous so we went for an introductory potty training session. We started the day with a conversation about underwear and using the potty and I thought we were both on the same page. So Stokes got to wear underwear. The plan was that every 15 minutes, Stokes would sit on the potty and do his tee tee and then the timer would get set again for another 15 minutes. Easy peasy, right?!?! After the first 15 minutes had passed, he sat on the potty but didn't have any tee tee. Then before the next timer, we had wet undies and a puddle on the floor. No problem. Got everything cleaned up and then before the next timer went off, same situation. Needless to say, by the time it was 9:30 AM, we had been through 4 or 5 pairs of underwear and he was rebelling against even going inside the restroom. I'm talking full on kicking  and yelling "no potty!". My verdict? Not ready. Diapers came back on. 

The following weekend, which was last Saturday, Thomas and I were both at home and we did the potty training trial with both Stokes and William, who all of a sudden was VERY interested in wearing underwear just like Stokes. It was pretty much the same situation again except that it was 2 alternating tee tee machines. I almost couldn't keep up between getting boys on the potty, washing hands, changing wet underwear, cleaning the floor, all while trying to cook, eat and clean up breakfast even with Thomas at home too. I was wondering whether 15 minutes was too long between potty times. We started setting the timer for 10 minutes and couldn't get it done without accidents. The verdict? Not ready. Diapers came back on. 



How cute are they with their little underwear on?

I haven't read any potty training books yet, but I might need to do that. Have any suggestions? If so, leave me a comment! Or leave me a comment for any tips or tricks that you've used because I'm so not excited about reading a potty training book (I like fiction novels LOL). 

The other thing is that we're taking out all the stops and pulling out the candy. We have Skittles and jelly beans. The next time we do a potty training day, we'll introduce the candy rewards to the boys. One piece candy for tee tee and two for poo poo :) I know a lot of people use M&Ms, but those darn chocolates "may contain peanuts". Stupid allergies. 

We have a little Mickey Mouse potty just hanging out in our living room right now, and will persist in our potty training adventure. 

I'll keep you updated. I'm not sure we'll be able to get it done before the boys turn 3, which was my goal, but that date is really sneaking up quickly and will be here NEXT WEEK. I'm relaxing my goal and ideas about this and we'll just take it as it goes. It's fine for school right now and I know they will both be potty trained before kindergarten so I'm not going to be all uptight about it. 

Ryan, on the other hand, most likely won't be potty trained any time soon, but we'll address that with his OT when the time comes. Hopefully we'll get there some day!!! 

Last night William did a #2 on the potty after bath and a few nights ago, all three of them peed on the potty (Ryan included!!!!! it was his first time!!!) before their bath.

Stay tuned for subsequent updates on this "adventure" with the boys!


  1. You are a brave little mama! My advice, for what it's worth, let them get on the potty and try if they ask....but otherwise forget it. I wasted waaaaayyyy too many hours getting frustrated, cleaning up pee, washing clothes, etc. Totally not worth it. You will know when they are ready. Love you!

  2. This is what worked with my son... Don't use a little potty, put them on the big potty from the get go. My MIL told me to put him on the toilet backwards because that way it shoots into the potty and you don't have to push anything down (or aim). Definitely give candy, it works. Also, if there is any kind of small toy they would love, get it and put it up high where they can see it but can't get it. Tell them that when they start using the potty and aren't have accidents (or just a few, who are we kidding), they get the toy. Good luck!
