Sunday, September 28, 2014

Back it up

William has not started crawling yet. That being said, he does know how to move around. Specifically, he can go backwards. He gets into a crawling position and will rock back and forth like he's going to start crawling, but instead of going forward, he drops his arms and legs and moves them around as if he is swimming. Then he'll lift himself up again causing his torso to move backwards. When he does this over and over, he can make some ground going backwards and ends up getting himself stuck. He'll back himself into a corner, literally. He's actually gotten stuck under a dresser, a pack n play, the coffee table, and most recently, his crib. Bless his sweet heart. Once he gets stuck, he will cry until I can come and get him out. I can't help but laugh a little when this occurs. I keep saying this, but I don't think it will be much longer until he figures out the crawling thing!

Even when he's stuck, isn't he super cute?!?!?

*Note: I wrote this post about a week ago but hadn't published it to the blog yet. Since then, William has learned to crawl. He first crawled on Tuesday, Sept. 23 and is still trying to really get it figured out. He can crawl just a few feet right now and is making great progress!

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