The boys had their 15 month well check on Wednesday. I had approximately 1,482 questions that I asked and overall it was a good appointment. Questions included everything from spots, rashes, how much milk to give them, how much water to give them, types of snacks to give them, etc.Their pediatrician said they all look great and was pleased with their growth and stats.
They got flu shots and a battery of other shots. We gave them dum dum suckers to help distract them from the pain, but only William was interested. All 3 of them only cried for a few seconds and seemed fine after that. I was really hoping that since we had a long drive and Thanksgiving with family, that they wouldn't be cranky little guys with the shot aftermath. They did great!
Updated stats:
Stokes - 20 lbs, 1 oz (3.19%), 28.75 in (2.16%)
Ryan - 19 lbs, 3 oz (1.13%), 29.25 in (5.85%)
William - 23 lbs, 1 oz (29.15%), 30 in (18.17%)
Pictures from the appointment:
Stokes patiently waiting for his turn |
William and Da-da (the 'stache was part of No-shave-ember) |
Ryan and Mama |
Ryan getting check out by Dr. Bessom |
William's turn for his check up |
He was very interested! |
Stokes wanted to play with all of Dr. Bessom's instruments |
Stokes checking himself out in the mirror |
He's a mess! |
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