Last night I had a Rocks and Ruffles party for my former co-workers at my house. It was technically a Rocks and Ruffles party, but it was also a "come over and see the babies" party, so we were really killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. Stephanie and Shea co-hosted and took care of doing the invitations and being the hostesses with the mostesses while I was making bracelets.
Let me back up. In case you don't know what Rocks and Ruffles is, it's company based here in Greenville that sells handmade bracelets with semi-precious stones. My good friend, Brooke Caudill, started the company last November and the business grew organically. She started just making them for friends and family and then started doing parties for her mom's friends, and then eventually stores started calling her asking if they could sell them! At the beginning of this year, she hired another friend of ours, Mary Lanier, to help her with the business since it was taking off and she couldn't keep up with demand. Then I just started really recently and have so enjoyed making bracelets and working with these fabulous ladies. In case you're wondering, I make bracelets during naptime and at night after the boys go to sleep. :)
So back to the party. We had a pretty good turnout and I loved seeing a lot of the ladies I used to work with! The boys were a big hit and tried hard to be on very good behavior. No crying allowed! They were very sweet and I think the girls loved getting to snuggle them while shopping for bracelets. Steph and Shea were awesome hostesses and Thomas was around to make sure the babies got fed and were taken care of.
The goods! |
Appetizers |
Beverages |
Pressly, Thomas and Ryan |
Anna holding William |
Shea and Hailey checking out the bracelets |
Heather, Stokes and Stephanie |
Shopping! |
More shopping!
Even more shopping! |
Heather and Sara playing with William |
Mallory, Alex, Brenda and Sheilah playing with the babies |
Triplet time! Ryan, William and Stokes (notice Stokes's hand!) |
Stokes grabbing William's hair |
Brooke and Thomas |
Stephanie snuggling with William |
Stokes missing General |
Steph, Brenda, Ryan, Wendy, William and Alex |
Bed time! Thomas taking William and Stokes up to bed after the party |
Rocks and Ruffles + hostesses!
Brooke, me, Stephanie, Shea, and Mary Lanier |
If you're reading this and are interested in hosting a party (and are in or near/driving distance to Greenville, SC), there are PERKS! As a Rocks and Ruffles party hostess, you get a free bracelet just for hosting. Then for each 10 bracelets we sell, you will get another free bracelet. We will show up with some pre-made bracelets as well as lots of stones so we can custom make bracelets there! It can definitely pay off to host a party if you're a fan of the bracelets! To host a party, leave a comment here on the blog, send us a private message on Facebook, call/text me if you know my number or shoot us an email at
Follow us on Facebook!
Follow us on Instagram! @rocksandruffles
It was pretty cool because after the party, several of the girls that came started Instagramming and Facebooking pictures of their new stacks. They all have great taste! Check it out...
I would love to host a party in Charlotte!!