Friday, August 19, 2016

Ice cream with AL

I'm all over the board with timing right now...can't seem to get posts uploaded in a timely (or chronological) order, but anyway, last weekend the boys had a little ice cream date with one of their best girlfriends, Ava Lane. The lame part for them is that their parents had to drive them and even stuck around during the date! ;)

I'm realizing now that I, unfortunately, did not get a picture of all the kids together. Either way, it was a fun little impromptu outing for the kids and the parents! Dillard's Ice Cream Parlour, which is so very delicious, is located in between the Mays and us so we met there in the middle. After we finished our yummy ice cream treats, we meandered around the fruit and veggie stand they have in the back. Good times.

Stokes, Ryan and William enjoying their ice cream!

The Mays had a banana split! AL loved it!

Trying Dada's milkshake

William and Stokes with
"Uncle" Clark


checking out the produce



  1. So cute! Where is this place? We love our Mays and Peery families!!!

    1. It's right off Buncombe Street (near Hwy 14 in Greer)! YUMMY!
