Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Pool Party!

I wasn't planning to do a birthday party this year, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt like I should do something! What better way to celebrate towards the end of summer than at the pool?!?! Plus, we attended Grayson's pool party last month and I got some great ideas that I could copy (wink, wink). 

Boys: ready to party

The set up (minimal):
Food table

toys and inflatables on the tables


Let's get the party started!

a butterfly landed on Uncle Matt's hand!

All the cousins!

Our first partiers: Steph, AL and Clark

MaSha with Stokes

Da-da and Ryan

Big Ben Gantt

Annie Stepp

Party People!

Jackson and Amanda

Stokes and Mama

Steph with AL 

Keeping an eye on those kiddos

Dads and kids

Sisters! Ashley, Tara and me

Eating lunch with the big kids

Table full of cuties

Cousin table

Heather and Ashley

Cake time!
Cookie cake from the Chocolate Shoppe!

Lighting the candles...

Making a wish and blowing them out

I love my family

The Thomas's

Loving his cookie cake

TayTay and Anna

Stokes got a special "egg-free" cupcake since the cookie
cake contained eggs

Time to play some more!
Sweet Caroline had just arrived right before cake time!

Jacqui and Ben

Aunt Ashley and William

Moms in the pool

Ryan with his water bomb

Clark and Ava Lane

Cutest thing ever - playing ring around the rosey in the pool

float choo choo train

Coolest Mom Award of the day goes to Stacey

Sweet little fruit cocktail
AL (watermelon) and Caroline (strawberry)
Heather and Caroline

Cute kiddos

Love these girls!

Kids getting eaten by sharks (AHHHH)! I didn't get a picture of all the kids that were there, but these were so cute and so fun:





Ava Lane




Grayson (I think??)

Walker hahahaha


The pool party was a big hit and although I never technically reserved the pool, our group was the people at the pool that morning and we had the place to ourselves. You know what makes a really good party? It's the people that come and make it fun! We had a fantastic group of kids, who all just wanted to play and have a good time. The weather was perfect and the company was even better! In the end, I am glad that we decided to have a party after all.

We ended the day (after naps) with family time and dinner at our house. I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, but we were able to get all of MaSha's grandkids together for a picture. :)


  1. Your unplanned birthday party turned out to be pretty awesome! :)

  2. I'm way behind on blog reading! It was the perfect party!!! We love y'all! xo P.S. MaSha needs one of those pics, with all of her grands, framed! So special!
