Tuesday, May 31, 2016

2.5 year check up

Does everyone have well visits every 6 months, or is that only for these recovering preemies?!?! Anyway, our plan is that we will have their 3 year old visit about 6 months from now (so they'll be a few months over 3 at that point) and then we won't have to go back for another well visit until they turn 4. Woo hoo!

Our 2.5 year old well visit was a little late (they were 2.5 in February), but that's what happens when you're trying to get 3 back-to-back time slots with the same doctor. Ryan was a little behind on vaccines and so he had to get 3 shots at this appointment last week, but took them like a BOSS! I'm totally not surprised.

Stokes, Ryan and William
Pediatrician 5/25/16
Want to see the stats? We're still hovering in the same range, percentage-wise, where we've been for a while with weight.

  • Stokes - 26.4 lbs. (8.05%) and 37" (59.84%)
  • Ryan - 28.2 lbs (21.96%) and 37.5" (71.8%)
  • William - 27.7 lbs (17.21%) and 38.35" (86.95%)
So I'm not totally sure how valid these weights and heights are. When I see them around other kids their age, they typically look like little peanuts and their heights and percentages above do not jive with that. But whatevs. Overall they had a good check-up and are healthy. What a blessing!