Thursday, June 11, 2015

I scream, you scream...

...we all scream for ICE CREAM!

MaSha had us over for dinner the other night and had planned an after-dinner treat. You guessed it, ice cream cones! The boys have had a bite or 2 of ice cream before, but this was their very first ice cream CONE. They loved it. And they loved the mess. I'm still spray-n-washing these onesies and shorts. HA!

Ryan didn't technically "love" his ice cream. He had a few tastes and gagged a little. What's up with that?!?!?! Apparently he didn't inherit his mama's sweet tooth! In reality, it may have been the cold or the texture that he didn't care for. He has some sensory issues with eating and new stuff kind of trips him up. I'm sure he would like it eventually if we kept giving it to him, but for now we'll concentrate on proteins and vegetables and fruit. ;)

This one is blurry because he was turning
his head AWAY from the ice cream. Ryan,
please teach me your ways! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!! are brave!! Chocolate ice cream and white shirts!! 😘
