Monday, November 10, 2014

Return to the Neurologist

We had an appointment today with Ryan's neurologist, Dr. Taft. Don't worry, nothing's wrong! It was a pre-scheduled follow-up appointment to touch base. Dr. Taft was pleased with Ryan and his progress. It's clear that he is still significantly developmentally delayed, but we're seeing good things from him and Dr. Taft pointed out a lot of positives - he's very clearly engaged with his surroundings and will follow you with his eyes. He's come a long way with his head control and is getting much stronger over all. There is some concern about his eating. He doesn't do very well with solids and I'm still mostly feeding him pureed baby food. I'll sneak in a little bit of the food that his brothers are eating and sometimes he'll eat it and sometimes he won't. He also doesn't have a huge appetite, which is a side effect of his anti-seizure medicine, Topamax. He doesn't drink from a sippy cup much, but I still offer it to him at each meal. I'm sure he'll get it at some point. Dr. Taft suggested that I get some feeding help from his therapists and possibly get a specialist to help out at some point as needed.

We'll have another follow-up appointment in about 3 months and Ryan will have another EEG at that time. Dr. Taft also said he wants to get another MRI sometime next spring or summer to see what's going on with Ryan's brain. He will be able to compare it to the 2 MRIs that Ryan's already had and hopefully get some more information for us.

My handsome boy in the waiting room

Selfie with Mama while waiting on the Dr.


  1. Good grief, he's cute! Thanks for the update, Mama!! xo

  2. Great News! He is so cute - favors Thomas a lot in these pics :-)

  3. Great update! I agree with Terry, he is looking more like his daddy every day!!
