Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Hi....sorry for the break!

Y' may have noticed. My last blog post was in April. It's October. YIKES! I've given a lot of thought to giving up the blog and just leaving it be. I don't have much time to dedicate to it and it feels like a burden at times, instead of a loving reminder of the life we're building. I'm not quite ready to give it up, but I will just post occasionally. I'm going to try to fit in about 6 months of super awesome (and busy) months into just a few blog posts to get caught up. Stay tuned...


  1. I miss seeing your boys so much! I'm not sure where you all live now but we sure miss you in Holly Trace. I hope school is going well for them--and you. Kindergarten is such a BIG milestone. I only made it to year 4 with my blog. You've done an AMAZING JOB with yours.

    1. Aww! We miss y'all too! Thanks for the sweet words. Hope y'all are all doing well. xoxo
