Sunday, March 8, 2015

Visiting Daddy

On Friday afternoon I took the boys up to Thomas's work. It had been a while since we were there and Thomas asked us to come for a quick visit. Thomas's co-workers have known the boys and kept up with them since Day 1, so I always love giving them the updates and letting them see how much they've grown and all the new things they're doing.

A few memorable things:
  • As soon as we got there, I handed William off to Anna. Anna left for a 2 week mission to Nepal on Saturday and wanted to see the boys before she left. She's so sweet! Anyway, I passed William off and he goes right over to her to hold him, but it only took him a few minutes before he realized that his Mama and Daddy weren't holding him and he busted out crying. NOT a good thing in an office! I quickly offered to take him back and hold him. He stopped crying and was fine the rest of the time. He just needed to get adjusted to the new place! Poor Anna felt bad but just had the bad luck of being the first person to hold one of them. He made up for it later by giving her a big smile.
  • Michelle and Allison had stuffed dogs at their desk and the boys LOVED playing with the dogs. They were petting them and William would made his dog noises (supposed to be "woof woof" but it sounds more like  "ooh ooh").
  • Pressly brought over some balloons and they were also a big hit! All 3 of them loved the silver balloon in which they could see themselves. They thought hitting the balloons and bouncing them off their heads was so fun.
  • Stokes wandered off and some of the guys from the office were willing to walk around with him. I knew he must have been having a great time just making his way around all the cubes. He's Mr. Independent. Then all of a sudden I hear some loud and panicked crying. Uh oh. I see Steve carrying Stokes and quickly heading in my direction so I start making my way towards them. Apparently, Stokes was having a grand old time, until he stopped and looked around and didn't see any familiar faces he knew well. Then he lost it. He was fine as soon as I was holding him again. He can be a little shy sometimes and he and William are into a phase with parental separation anxiety.
Getting to see Thomas's work friends was awesome and they were so welcoming. They went out of their way to make sure the boys had fun. Here are some of the highlights of the visit!

Anna with Ryan

Thomas's teammate Lukas with my sweet Ryan

William checking out the balloons that Pressly brought over

"Aunt" Wendy and Stokes

They LOVED the balloons

Hey there, buddy! :)

Stokes and Mama

We just pretty much took over a whole cube in the office

Wendy helping Ryan stand up

Wendy with Ryan and the little Rukus dog

William "petting" the big Rukus dog

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