Monday, July 21, 2014

Thankful for Suzy

It was an interesting weekend at the Peery house! Here's what went down.

William had hand, foot and mouth disease last weekend and early this week. Then we started seeing a few red dots on Stokes. I'm pretty sure he had it, too. Stokes, however, didn't really get a fever and didn't act like he felt all that bad. He was just a little fussier than usual. Ryan is still in the clear. ;)

Anyway, we were dealing with hand, foot and mouth disease last week. I'd asked Thomas's Aunt Suzy to come visit us and keep the boys on Monday so I could take Ryan to the Neurologist for his weekly appointment. The plan was that she was going to come on Sunday afternoon. I found out later that she was in Charleston with my sister-in-law and family all last week. On Friday evening I got a call from Suzy saying that she was on her way back to Knoxville from Charleston and the traffic was horrible. I immediately told her to change course and come to Greenville. I didn't realize that she was going from Charleston to Knoxville and then coming right back to Greenville or I would have told her from the start to come to Greenville!!! Anyway, she came Friday instead of Sunday and it was a spontaneous blessing. As it turns out, Thomas started feeling bad on Friday night and put himself to bed early. Then on Saturday he had a 100.9 fever and didn't get out of bed all day. Poor thing must have gotten hand, foot and mouth disease from the babies. We didn't initially realize that adults could get it, but they can. And they did. I had 4 babies to take care of over the weekend! I felt horrible for Thomas because I could tell how awful he felt but was so incredibly glad that Suzy was there to help me with the boys. I look forward to each weekend to get extra help from Thomas so it was nice that while he was out of commission she was there to help out. By the way, in case you're worried, Thomas is feeling better now and his fever is gone but he's dealing with some pain in his hands and feet from his rash. Bless him. :(

Suzy is helpful and so funny and entertaining. We had such a great time with her! I was so grateful that she was here and that she randomly ended up coming early!

Suzy with Ryanb
Suzy with Stokes

During Ryan's Neurology appointment today, he had an EEG. We got the good news that the EEG looked improved as compared to his last one and we are able to decrease the dose on his ACTH injections. We still have to do them twice a day but we can stick him with less medicine. While on ACTH, his cheeks get very puffy, he is hungry a lot, he's more irritable and the worst part is that he's less focused. He just seems very zoned out and I can't get him to smile and laugh anymore. I know his sweet smile will come back once we get him off his medicine, but I sure do miss it!

Getting his EEG cap on

Time for the EEG to start

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