Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New schedule

I made mention in a previous post that we were going to move to a new schedule. Today marks 2 weeks since the schedule transition took place. It was pretty much like ripping off a Band-Aid. We just did it one day. I was kind of nervous about it but it really wasn't a big deal. The boys did just fine. No issues at all. It was harder on me to try to remember what time to do everything! Here's what our current schedule looks like at 10 months.

7:30 - bottle #1 (7 oz)
8:30 - Solids breakfast (usually just some fruit - they aren't fans of any type of cereal!)
9:30 - nap #1
11:00 - wake up from nap and have bottle #2 (7 oz)
12:30 - solids lunch (vegetable and/or fruit)
1:30 - nap #2
3:30 - wake up from nap and have bottle #3 (7 oz)
6:00 - solids dinner (vegetable and/or fruit)
6:30 - bath every other night
7:00 - bottle #4 and bed

This is an abbreviated version of the total schedule that includes diaper changes, medicine administration, clothes changes, bottle washing, etc. but you get the gist. We work around all of our weekly appointments and therapy sessions to make it as seamless as possible. I like that the new schedule has 2 nap times and only 4 bottle feedings. Things I don't like as much includes 3 feedings with solids and the amount of times I'm bringing them up and down the stairs. But on the positive side of the stairs issue is that I can use the exercise and have a built-in Stairmaster workout! The babies still don't love their solids. I've been assured (and reassured and reassured.....and so on) by the nurses at my pediatrician's office that it's totally fine. They're getting all their nutrients from their bottles and the solids are just extra little snacks. I can typically only feed them 1 small jar of food total, split between all 3. And let's be fair, William is eating 90% of that jar. He's such a good eater. The times that Stokes and Ryan actually eat and are taking good bites make me nervous. Shortly afterwards there is usually a big spit up. It's not pretty. They're still only 7 months adjusted, so I'm sure they will come around and begin to like solid food at some point!

So there's the update on our new schedule. Overall it's going really well. I want to thank Corey for going to the effort to create this new routine for me. She thought of everything! ;)

Just playing around and thinking about how much they like their new schedule

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