Wednesday, June 18, 2014

9 Month Well Check

On Monday we had a visit with the pediatrician for their 9 month well check. They're actually nine and a half months old now, but we can't always get appointments right on time since they have to find a block of time to schedule all 3 appointments together!

The overall takeaway from the appointment is that the boys are doing great. Our pediatrician kept saying how good they looked and how well they seem to be doing.

I wish I could accurately describe these appointments to you to give you mental image of the craziness. We get lots of curious looks, the "triplet recognition" faces/smiles/looks of wonder, questions and so on while we're in the lobby waiting. When the nurse calls us back, we typically have to squeeze into the room with 3 adults - myself, Thomas (in this case) and the nurse; the double stroller with 2 of the boys; another baby on my hip and the diaper bag. Tight quarters in there. Then we start the 3-ringed circus known as undressing the babies and getting weights, lengths, and head circumferences. Our nurse called in another nurse to help for that part to speed up the process and keep it all straight. It's probably pretty confusing to get it all written down or put into the computer and to make sure they're putting the right information in for the correct baby! During all this chaos I'm also letting the nurse know of any medicines the boys are on and any of my concerns for the doctor to address. Whew. It's a whirlwind.

When the pediatrician came in, she was so sweet and patient with me. She answered all of my questions and discussed anything and everything with me while she checked the boys one by one.

They had to get 2 shots. Ryan could only get 1, per his neurologist - by the way, I'm giving myself props for thinking to call her to make sure he could get any shots he was supposed to get at this appointment. I remember reading with the ACTH not to get any vaccines while on the med. Since he's off I wasn't sure if he was in the clear so I called. I'm pretty proud of myself that I thought of that, since I'm scatterbrained 99% of the time. Boys did GREAT with their shots. They are such tough little guys. Barely any crying at all. It's really not traumatic for them or us!

On to the good info!!! I thought for sure all 3 boys would be well into the 9 month growth chart, but we still have a little work to do to get bigger. Except William. He's doing just fine in the size category. HA! ;)

Stokes - 17 lbs (2.47 percentile on growth chart), 26.25 inches
Ryan - 17.31 lbs (3.61 percentile), 26.5 inches
William - 21.25 lbs (52.64 percentile - WOOT WOOT!!!), 27.5 inches

TODAY is Thomas's birthday post coming soon!!!!!

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