Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter

Easter weekend a fun-filled and busy weekend for our family.

Good Friday

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."
John 3:16-17
Can you imagine giving up your child to be tortured and killed for other people's sins? I certainly can't. My heart hurts to even begin to fathom what God endured as a parent on Good Friday.
Our Good Friday included an Easter egg hunt at the Bakers. I was debating on going because it was during nap time and I wasn't sure if that would spell a total disaster! That and because I was on my own and wasn't sure how I would get all the babies unloaded from the car easily. Regardless, I decided to go. How am I going to learn about outings if I don't do any? I got up early and had everything ready to go so that as soon as we were done with our 10:30 feeding, we could load up and go. I did have to snap a few pictures before we left because I rummaged around and found 3 cute outfits for them to wear. And by the way, it's been beautiful for the last few weeks and then we got a cold snap. Darn.


The other ladies at the egg hunt were very helpful and willing to lend a hand. Several of my friends and their kids were there and I had such a great time seeing everyone! The boys were sweet and did great! I was very proud of them.
When we first got there, Sheilah had all the kids on the front porch and they were singing songs while the Moms were hiding the eggs in the backyard. How cute are all these kiddos?
Then we walked around back and the egg hunt began.

The triplets hung out in their car seats on the deck when they weren't being held. Maybe next year they will participate in the egg hunt!

Brooke holding William and her youngest son, Bennett
Then it was lunch time. All the kids were so cute and sweet!
Our hostess, Sheilah, holding all 3 babies.

My girlfriends! L to R: Mary Lanier, Kristy, Jami (holding her youngest, Sam), Brooke and me

Holy Saturday
We were invited to another Easter egg hunt on Saturday but I had to regretfully decline. It was also during nap time and I didn't want to forego nap time two days in a row. That and we already had a scheduled photo shoot in the afternoon. One activity in a day is tiring enough...I wasn't sure I could handle two! I'm hoping that next year we will be able to participate in more things. We'll see!

During nap time, Thomas and I tackled a task that has been on my list for quite a while. The garage was a mess. I wanted to get it organized. I suppose spring cleaning has gotten me this year. We spent some time on the garage but weren't able to finish before the babies started waking up.
In the afternoon I got the opportunity to visit with Brent and Catherine Atwood and their new baby, Hayes. He was so adorable! He is about 4 weeks old and it was crazy to see a newborn and think back to when the boys were his size. They seem so big to me now!
On to the photo shoot! Heather agreed to take some family pictures for us. While she's not a professional photographer, she definitely has an eye and talent for taking pictures. She actually took our engagement photos, oh, about SIX years ago! I can't believe it's been that long, but I'm starting to get off topic here. Anyway, Heather was so sweet to agree to take our pictures, however, the WEATHER (eye roll) did not cooperate so we decided to postpone until Sunday and hope for good weather.
On to dyeing Easter eggs! The boys are still too little to participate in this fun activity so Thomas and I pretended that we were kids and had a great time dyeing the Easter eggs after the boys went to sleep.

Easter Sunday

"He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.”
Luke 24: 6-7

Rejoice! Jesus Christ has risen indeed!

Interestingly enough, the weather seemed to correlate to the mood of Jesus's followers. On Friday and Saturday, the sad days of mourning, it was cold, rainy and miserable. Then on Easter Sunday, the day of celebration of our great Lord, the sun was shining bright and it was perfectly warm. It was a fantastic day!

We gave the boys their Easter baskets and they totally loved them! This is actually not true. They didn't really pay much attention to their Easter baskets this year, but just wait until next year! Their baskets came from their Aunt Ashley. How cute are they?!?! She sent them along with a bunch of goodies including swimsuits, rompers, socks and a personalized bunny plate for each baby. She spoiled them...and us!




All 3

I also had to take some pictures of each of them with this adorable [Easter] bunny sleeper. It even has a little bunny tail on the back. So cute!





During nap time, Thomas and I resumed our work on the garage cleanup project. I didn't take a "before" picture, but here are a few "afters". Trust me when I tell you that it's a big improvement! It feels great to complete a project that has a visible difference.

Thankfully, since the weather was so perfect, we were able to take our family pictures. Heather did an amazing job and her assistant, Walker, was helpful AND hilarious! I won't post any here but will do a separate post with some of the pictures!

Babies with their photographers, Heather and Walker.

That evening, Carole came by and brought us dinner. She had brunch at a great meat and three restaurant and was so sweet and thoughtful and got "to-go" meals for Thomas and me. Let me tell you, this was some GOOD food! Carole helped us with the evening feeding and helped us put the boys to bed. She is a wonderful friend to all five us of.

The weekend was busy but was so much fun. We got to see some great friends, have some good meals, spend time with the babies and most importantly celebrate Jesus's resurrection. Happy Easter to you!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww -Ryan is getting so big! Stokes looks more and more like a VP :) you've got some handsome boys there, Peerys!
