Thursday, November 21, 2013

I only have EYES for you...

We are keeping up with our busy schedule of doctor appointments. Yesterday we had a follow up appointment with the eye doctor at Piedmont Retina and tomorrow is a pediatrician appointment.

We only took Ryan and William to the eye doctor yesterday, since the doctor determined that Stokes's eyes were mature 2 weeks ago at our last appointment. The eye exam is NOT fun. The babies scream and cry and it breaks my heart. They get their eyes dialated and then have those metal things holding their eyelids open during the exam. Afterwards their eyes are all red and puffy and I feel so bad for them. Poor babies! So the finding of the appointment is that William's eyes are both mature now. Yeah!!! Ryan still had one immature eye and will have to go back again in 2 weeks. This eye exam does not check their vision. It is checking the maturity of their retinas and making sure we aren't in danger of retina detachment due to immaturity. Since Stokes and William both have mature eyes now, there is no chance that they will go blind due to Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). The doctor said he doesn't see any reason that Ryan's eye won't mature, but the longer it takes, the less likely that will be. Considering that each appointment gives us news that one of the boys had two mature eyes, I am hopeful that our next appointment will provide the same update for Ryan. The doctor did mention that the boys are at an increased risk for astigmatism, nearsightedness, farsightedness, etc. We will cross that bridge when/if we get to it. Please pray for Ryan's left eye to mature and for the boys to have good, healthy eyes and good vision.

This week Thomas's Aunt Fifi has been here helping with the boys. She is really good with babies and loves holding and soothing them. You can tell that they really love her, too! She mentioned the first day she was here that she thought they looked so much alike and was wondering if she needed us to put nail polish on their feet to help her tell them apart. By day 2 she was an expert and needed no help! Once you're around them, I think it's pretty obvious to see the differences between them. I know it's harder though to just see pictures and try to tell them apart. 

MaSha is coming back next week to stay here, help with the babies and celebrate thanksgiving with us since we can't travel this year to be with family. We are excited to have her back and looking forward to the holiday!

Another thing that we are super excited about is our newborn pictures!!! Jana Candler is coming to take pictures for us. She is so sweet and does such a great job! These baby models are pumped to get their beautiful faces photographed. :)

A few pics from today...
All 3!




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