Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Code Orange

CODE ORANGE. No, I am not referring to Clemson football (good guess though!). There was a FIRE in the NICU today. Most importantly no one was hurt & all the babies are ok, thank God, but it has made for a very eventful day! Apparently a computer caught on fire in NICU 2. NICU 2 is a step up from NICU 1, where we are. We will graduate to NICU 2 at some point before the boys come home. Anyway, the battery in the computer exploded and caught on fire. My nurse said that it sounded like gun shots were being fired as the battery was exploding.  The fire alarm was going off, the fire trucks came & I'm sure lots of people were freaking out. They announced that there was a "code orange in the NICU" on the intercom throughout the hospital. By the time I got here the fire was out and the smoke was gone, but we have several NICU 2 babies here in NICU 1, industrial fans trying to clear the air and a general sense of drama over the events of the day. 

I am so thankful that my babies weren't affected by the fire and that all the babies and staff are just fine! 

The bad news is that I can't open their isolettes and touch them today. We don't want any toxins to get in and upset or harm their sensitive respiratory systems. I had planned to hold Ryan today and take some cute pictures of each of the boys with their new alligator stuffed animals. I am really missing my quality time with my babies today and it feels strange to be here just looking at them without being able to touch them and put my hands on their warm little bodies. Hopefully tomorrow everything will be cleared out so that we can go back to our usual routine. I can't wait to hold them again!

Stay tuned for their cute alligator pictures! They are coming soon!


  1. Cant wait to see photos :) . So glad everyone is ok! XOXO

  2. I love those little gators. Excited to see pics soon!
