Friday, May 12, 2017

Muffins for Mom

I had two simultaneous Muffins for Moms events this morning, in honor of Mother's Day coming up on Sunday. One was at the boys' regular school and one at Ryan's special needs school. I was debating which one to attend, and felt bad like I was choosing some kid(s) over the other(s). Needless to say, I couldn't make a decision, so instead, I left the house earlier than normal this morning, did a quick stop at the regular preschool, then drove Ryan to his other school and did Muffins for Moms there, too. It was a little rushed, but I'm glad I made an effort to do both.

With my boys at home, before we left for school

My heart...

First Muffins for Mom stop....

William being grumpy

Stokes being grumpy

That's better!




One more group pic before I had to go

Muffins for Moms stop #2
Love my sweetie boy
We saw Beth and Luke, our NICU friends!
Luke shared a room in NICU 2 with William so our families
got to know each other back then. Luke and Ryan started
at this special school around the same time.

With the exception of the first part of stop #1 when both Stokes and William were being grumpy (and stressing me out), it was a sweet morning. I'm looking to Mother's Day this Sunday!

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